Site icon Peter A. Hovis

I’m the Republican nominee to FIRE Gretchen Whitmer


Peter, allow me to introduce myself.
I’m Tudor Dixon. I’m a businesswoman, a breast-cancer survivor, and a working mom of four girls who’s running for Governor of Michigan to FIRE radical liberal Gretchen Whitmer.
President Trump has endorsed my campaign, and we just won a HUGE victory in Tuesday’s primary to secure the Republican nomination.
Now, we need America First conservatives from all corners of the country to step up and help us FLIP Michigan RED in November.
🚨To help us jump-start our general election fundraising, pro-Trump patriots will 500% MATCH all contributions for the next 24 hours.
Please make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more to help me FIRE Gretchen Whitmer – and your gift will be 500% MATCHED.
CONTRIBUTE $25 >> $150
CONTRIBUTE $50 >> $300
CONTRIBUTE $75 >> $450
CONTRIBUTE $100 >> $600
CONTRIBUTE $250 >> $1,500
I’d like you to watch my victory speech so you can see what my campaign is all about.
You see, Michigan is the birthplace of American ingenuity. We are the workers and the dreamers and the doers. But things have changed in our state, and not for the better.
Gretchen Whitmer and her far-Left policies have devastated Michigan over the last four years, and especially during her unscientific, tyrannical lockdowns in 2020.
An entire generation of students was set up for failure when Whitmer locked the doors to every school in our state.
People have lost their jobs, businesses, and life savings.
I’ve visited with the restaurant owners, the barbers, the florists, and the long list of small businesses and workers who were denied the ability to make a living because Whitmer thought she knew better.
I’ve talked with the men and women who lost their jobs, or closed their businesses, because they just couldn’t make it work with the “closed by Whitmer” sign on the front door.
The Queen of Lockdowns decided that YOU were not essential – and then she turned around and broke her own rules when it suited her.
I lost my grandmother in a nursing home during Whitmer’s lockdown, and I wasn’t even allowed into the room to say goodbye. My daughters and I were forced to peek through a window.
These policies were cruel, and they did NOTHING to protect public health and safety.
It’s been a long four years, but this November, we finally have a chance to hold her accountable. We can finally bring America First leadership to Michigan and get our state back on track.
Whitmer is cheering every disastrous Biden policy that has plunged us into a recession.
She’s driven the price of groceries through the roof. And that’s just for the groceries you can actually find on the shelf! Baby formula? Who needs it, right?
Families are struggling just to put food on the table. But the truth is, Whitmer doesn’t care!
Her policy proposals include shutting down pipelines, and she tried to RAISE the gas tax. She’s an eager participant in Biden’s insane war on our domestic energy industry.
This comes at a time when the average gas price in Michigan is well over $4 a gallon!
When Whitmer finally reopened our schools, she poisoned our children’s minds with crazy left-wing anti-American ideas like critical race theory and radical gender theory.
She doesn’t want parents to have any say in their children’s education!
Whitmer has embraced the “spirit” of the defund-the-police movement, even as violent crime in Michigan increases at DOUBLE the rate of the national average.
She’s happily put the safety of our communities in jeopardy to appease her far-Left base!
With a track record like that, you’d think her defeat would be assured in November…
…but national Democrats are desperate to keep control of this key swing state.
They know it could decide the 2024 elections, so they want to make sure they have a far-Left puppet who can put her finger on the scales to hurt President Trump and swing the election towards Democrats.
That’s why they’ve poured millions of dollars into Michigan to prop up Whitmer. She’s currently sitting on a war chest of over $14.7 MILLION, and she’s going to spend every penny of it to try to torpedo our surging campaign.
We need to be prepared for an onslaught of lying attack ads, and we need to secure the funds to FIGHT BACK. That’s where you come in, Peter.
I know you’re a patriot who supports President Trump, Ron DeSantis, and other conservative leaders.
You believed in them and helped them win tough battles when no one thought it was possible.
Now, I need you to help me win what will be one of the toughest battles in the country this November.
I know something about tough battles. This primary was a tough fight. Fighting and beating breast cancer was a tough fight. Running and growing a Michigan-based steel company, as a woman, was tough. Watching my Nana locked away and left to die in a nursing home was tough.
But as the saying goes, when the times get tough, the tough get going. I am tough, and I am just getting going.
With America First patriots like YOU fighting alongside me, we’re going to take back our state from the radical Left and lay the groundwork to take back the White House in 2024.
The battlelines in this race couldn’t be any clearer. This is going to be an epic fight between a conservative businesswoman and mother, and a far-Left birthing parent and career politician.
To win, I’m going to need your support, Peter. I don’t have liberal megadonors like Whitmer. Grassroots conservatives like you are all I’ve got.
So please, make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more to help me FIRE Gretchen Whitmer – and your gift will be 500% MATCHED.
Thank you,
Tudor Dixon
Republican Nominee for Governor of Michigan
Endorsed by President Trump
PO BOX 21085 LANSING MI 48909

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