Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Renew America Movement

Dear Peter,

You may not recognize me. I don’t blame you. That’s because for a while, I was “Anonymous” — a whistleblower inside the Trump Administration who warned the country about presidential misconduct. Now I’m proud to be joining Forward to get extremism out of our politics and bring the country together.




After 9/11, I dedicated my career to defending the United States against overseas threats, from the White House to the Department of Homeland Security. But during the Trump Administration, I realized there was a greater danger — here at home. I wrote an “Anonymous” essay in The New York Times urging the American people not to re-elect a dangerous man. Then I quit the administration and unmasked myself to campaign against Trump.

But after January 6, it became clear that there were continuing threats to our democracy from political extremism. That’s why we launched the Renew America Movement (RAM) — a group of former senators, governors, congressmen, cabinet officials, and state leaders — to urge people to put country over party. Last week RAM merged into Forward, a new national political party that will fix our broken political system by bringing choice back to democracy.

This is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in politics. I hope you feel the energy already building around our movement, and I hope you will join us — be it on our national tour this fall, by giving your time to your local Forward Party Chapter, or by chipping in a few bucks.

When I worked in Washington, I took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. The new Forward Party is the best chance we have at giving Americans more electoral choice, combating extremism in our politics, and saving our democracy. Together, we will do our part in putting our country on a better path. With your support, we’ll move our country Forward. I’m honored to have you with us.


With gratitude,

Miles Taylor


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This email was sent to by the Renew America Movement.

Renew America Movement
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States

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