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Democrats Assault Second Amendment

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This Week With Gosar

Top Stories – Bullhead City, Arizona

Democrats Assault Second Amendment

Late Friday, democrats passed legislation that furthers their assault on law abiding gun owners.  H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, would ban AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles, which are among the most popular firearms being sold today, with over 24 million in circulation

NOTE:  As members of Congress, the very first thing we must do before participating in Congress is to get sworn in.  We literally pledge to uphold the Constitution.  Owning a firearm is a protected civil right under the Second Amendment.  That right has been protected from Leftist attacks by our Supreme Court as recently as two months ago, where it struck down gun control laws banning handguns for self-defense.  How any member of Congress can, in good faith, vote to ban a citizen’s right to self-defense is beyond me.  The Constitution is not a recommendation or guideline.  It is the premier law of the land.  That includes owning weapons for self-defense against criminals and tyrants.  

The democrat’s unconstitutional gun control bill bans many common handguns, sporting rifles, and magazines. The bill would ban future civilian sales of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Did you know that over 14 million Americans purchased a firearm for the first time in 2020 and 2021?  Why?  Because new gun owners are embracing the Second Amendment by choosing to own a firearm for lawful purposes, including self-defense. 

I’ve repeatedly stated that you cannot fix criminal behavior by controlling law-abiding gun owners and this latest legislation will not save lives and will do absolutely nothing to stop gun violence or solve the issues largely contributing to gun violence.  I will always stand for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans and that is why I voted against H.R. 1808.

Gosar Pays Tribute to Fallen Officer

Earlier this week I took to the House floor to honor the life of Yavapai County Sheriff Sergeant Rick Lopez who was shot and killed in the line of duty on June 28th, callously killed by a cold-blooded murderer for simply doing his job.

Sheriff Lopez served for more than 14 years at the Yavapai County Sheriff’s office.  He was a hero in our community, a husband and a father to two beautiful children.  This brave man will be greatly missed.

Click here to watch a video of my remarks paying tribute to Sheriff Lopez.

Biden Recession Official

This week it was announced that GDP shrank .9% in the second quarter. Officially, the country is now in a recession, as the economy has now marked two consecutive quarters of negative growth.  Rather than take responsibility, Biden thought it best to redefine the definition of recession by claiming:

“While some maintain that two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP constitute a recession, that is neither the official definition nor the way economists evaluate the state of the business cycle.”  Biden added: “We’re not going to be in a recession.”

Biden is playing games with names while doubling down on his failed spending policies.  Americans are not stupid, Joe.  Families are having to choose between filling up their car with gasoline or buying groceries, assuming they can even find them on the shelves at the supermarket.  This helps explain why two thirds of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy.  Biden inherited a recovery; his policies created a recession.

Democrats Agree to More Wasteful Spending

Also this week, Senators Manchin and Schumer reached an agreement to raise taxes during a recession and Joe Biden has thrown his support behind the radical plan, misleadingly dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.”

Don’t be fooled, Senator Manchin didn’t flip-flop, he flat out lied.  Despite saying for months that he would not support any such plan, Senator Manchin always intended to back the massive spending bill that raises taxes by over $300 billion, allows the Internal Revenue Service to hire 87,000 new agents to harass families, extends Obamacare subsidies and spends $369 billion on Green New Deal initiatives while destroying reliable energy resources.  Embarrassingly, Senator Mitch McConnell got played big time.  The Manchin-Schumer deal had been in the works for months, yet Mitch apparently never saw it coming.

Regardless of the bill’s title, this crap sandwich will do nothing to reduce inflation. In fact, both the Joint Committee on Taxation and a new Penn-Wharton analysis conclude that the Schumer-Manchin bill would increase inflation until 2024.

Families can’t afford gas and groceries, yet democrats want to raise taxes and spends billions more of your hard-earned money. Instead of addressing the root cause of the recession: out-of-control government spending, Joe Biden and democrats are now doubling down on their Far-Left Socialist policies that put us into this inflationary death spiral and Mitch McConnell never saw it coming.

MEOW! Washington Saves Cats While Americans Suffer

Despite record high gas prices and inflation, wages going in the wrong direction, a recession, empty grocery store shelves, an invasion along the southern border and rampant crime throughout much of our country, democrats in Congress saw it fit to prioritize kittens over real matters that truly ail our nation. 

You heard me right, this week the House of Representatives passed a resolution that would ban breeding big cats, including tigers and lions, by private owners or for commercial “cub petting” ventures.   Thank God!  Now we can all rest peacefully at night knowing that the rights and quality of life for felines have been protected.  Lions, and tigers and Congress, oh my!

It’s Election Week in Arizona

We live in a republic and to keep it healthy it needs your voting participation. Democrat, Independent or Republican, get out there on Tuesday and make your vote count!

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

This very cool photo of a bee stuck on cactus thistle was submitted by Lorraine Burcaw from Bullhead City, AZ.  Lorraine appropriately titled the photo “Stuck on You.”

Thanks for sharing, Lorraine. I hope you were “bee-having” yourself and didn’t get stung snapping this picture.

Now, who is next!?

Do you have photography skills? 

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?”   If so, send your best shots of our great state to  Remember to include your name and where you live.  We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!

It’s Mail Time! 

I love hearing from you and you guys do not disappoint!  I get thousands of letters every month.  In fact, last month I received more than 7,000 letters and this month I have already received over 8,100 letters! For example:

Victoria R. from Bullhead City writes:

You helped my husband with his social security a few years back. I recently lost my husband to cancer. Being on social security and now Medicare. I feel that we are a Lost generation. I say this because I see a lot of checks for childcare and helping the younger generation through these tuff times. What I don’t see is additional money going to social security elderly. We are on a fixed income with the same bills as the younger generation. WE HAVE BECOME THE FORGOTTEN. Medicare upped our premiums for a drug which isn’t even approved. We’re supposed to get a premium reduction next year. We know how that will turn out.

So what I am asking; and you need not reply. Is to keep us in your forefront when additional checks are being handed out and include us. We too have a hard time in taking care of our food supply and paying bills. Fuel is a big issue for us to go to the Drs.

You’ve taken care of us once. I pray you can take care of us again.

Thank you for listening.

Dear Victoria, thank you for this incredible thoughtful note.  I previously introduced legislation that would exempt social security benefits from taxation and next week I plan on introducing additional legislation to improve social security.   I’ll have more to say on this next week but I agree with you that the federal government needs to put assistance into helping our own people rather than wasting billions in foreign aid.

Suzanne M. from Payson, AZ raises an important point about redistricting:

The first thing I noticed when I opened my sample ballot from the mail was that your name wasn’t on it. When early voting today, I asked why and they told me the districts have changed. This saddens me, because I admire you and your work so much. I know you will continue to do the best for your new district, but I’m sure going to miss you representing me!

Dear Suzanne, I am going to miss you and everyone in Payson. Our Constitution requires that every 10 years the Census Bureau conducts a decennial census of our nation’s population.  Last December, Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Commission completed its monumental task of creating new legislative and congressional districts, something that occurs following the decennial census.  Beginning in January 2023, my new Congressional district will be district nine, which includes areas in Mohave County, La Paz County, Yuma County and Maricopa County that I have already represented for the last decade.   There will be some new towns and faces added in and I am looking forward to meeting my new constituents.  


I have to express my sadness, however, in not having Yavapai County, Pinal County and Gila County in my new district.   Over the last ten years I have made so many friends, and I had the pleasure of traveling from Florence to Chino Valley, Jerome to Apache Junction, and all points in-between, including Payson.  I will continue to visit and stop by as often as I can, and I will always be available to help with issues, talk, and work for all Arizonans.   

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You Might Want to Read:

Prescott News: Gosar Lines Up Substantial Support to Finally End COVID-19 National Emergency

National Review: Congressional Republicans Demand Answers from CDC on LGBT Children’s Website

National Review: Democrats and the FBI Collude Again on a Russia Smear against Republicans

National File: Video: Pro-Life Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Offers to Raise Players’ Unplanned Children to Save Them From Abortion

The Well News: How to Stop Mass Migration From Central America

The Washington Examiner: Bidenflation has become Bidencession

The Washington Examiner: Biden’s Border of Death

Heritage Action: GOP: Stop Schumer’s New Spending Scheme

New York Post: Democratic cities get a taste of the overwhelming cost of open borders

New York Post: Biden’s lame economic spin leaves you wondering if they even want to do what’s needed to turn things around


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