Site icon Peter A. Hovis

CA Working Families Party

CA Working Families Party

Peter, we’re reaching out today to ask for $1 – seriously, just one dollar.

If you can afford it, chip in $1 right now. We promise we’ll explain why!


We know it doesn’t seem like much, but your $1 could make ALL the difference.

Your $1 could help us:

  • Reach 1 more voter when we pay for phone banking tools.
  • Put a pamphlet on 1 more door for when we do community organizing.
  • Secure 1 more vote for working families in races that will come down to the wire.

Peter, your $1 could be the last donation we need to fund our proven programs and elect pro-working families candidates all across the state.

And with all eyes on California, we can’t afford to fall short of our critical monthly fundraising goals. Your $1 will help us hit the mark, Peter!

We can’t fund our proven work without your help, so we’re asking one last time before our fundraising deadline: Will you rush $1 (or any amount that is meaningful to you) now? We’re really hoping to see 500 activists step up today. »

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Or a custom donation »

We’re counting on you,


Paid for by CA Working Families Party

California Working Families Party, 77 Sands Street, 6th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Please, consider making a one-time contribution by clicking here. Or, to make the most powerful lasting impact and elect CA Working Families Party candidates, make a monthly sustaining contribution by clicking here.

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Donate Monthly to the CA WFP »
Donate Just One Time »

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