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Our Trading Method gives the Industry a Brain Cramp

It takes a pair of stones to execute for the doubles, triples, and better

But it’s not what you think, because high risk does not mean high reward, it just means high risk, which is what Contrary Thinker and our team avoids

You hear in the trading industry the term “set up” all the time but I am not too sure if people have a good handle on what it is and what it really means to Contrary Thinker.

It is the precondition for a low-risk high reward trade that is going to happen imminently. It is on the brink of the move. That is the type of setup we are looking for and we have a model that tells us when that is occurring. A model that includes both price and time to give us a leading indicator of what dynamics to expect and a timing cycle to tell us when to expect it.

Look, everybody is looking for a trading pattern that has the potential to become a winning trade, one with a big price movement. I mean, after all, everybody wants the big winner, and we study technical analysis to determine the trend and look for good stocks and whatever to buy and sell to meet our criteria.

But what we all really want exactly is the ability to find big winners.

That is what Country Thinker is doing for its clients. It is not easy and takes a set of stones to see it through. The key is to do it as the great ones have done over the centuries. Find an enormous potential where the market is near a price level that says your wrong. So, if hit the stop loss cost 5%. Whereas the profit target is 50% or better for a modest example.

These circumstances are not that difficult to find with patients and to execute with persistence. Yet the majority become turned off because industry advertisements say it can’t be down, no one can time the market to wealth, the great ones are a myth, and from an emotional point of view with the use of a nearby stop loss, just the noise in the market can get the position stopped out. So, the approach could mean you get stopped out three or four or five times before you finally get the entry that sticks and you make a ton, you bring in that 50% winner after 25% of drawdown. Better yet, CT’s targets 100% plus in the majority and you are 75% of the game. A ten to 1 or a 5 to 1/2 setup is our preference.

The mental gear shifting the trader has to do is take the ego need for percent win rates out of consideration and think in terms of reward, the big reward. Why take an average investment – S&P long-term gain of 11% per year over 30 years – while suffering along the way 30% to 70% drawdowns!

Weekly newsletter Volatility Reports will put you in front of the rest, let you know if and where the sets ups are so you are ready to execute. For only $10/month, you can follow all four of CT’s products or just one; and you only pay for a trade idea if a profit exceeds the percent returns the program is has set as a minimum return, from 10% to 25% on the trade depending on the product.  Best of all it’s on your handheld device with straight thorough processing for select brokers: E-Trade, Interactive Broker, and TD Ameritrade for STP

If you DO NOT have the free app or my channel, use this deep link FROM your smartphone or iPad and be set up and ready to go in less than five minutes.
 If you have the App all you need is to add Contrary Thinker to the trade providers you already follow.

Contrary Thinker is working for you

Great and Many Thanks,

Jack F. Cahn, CMT

Contrary Thinker since 1989,
Copyright 1989-2022

Contrary Thinker 1775 E Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 110- box 176 Palm Springs, CA
92264 USA. 760-459-4681 OR

25/1 Poinsettia Court Mooloolaba, QLD Australia 4557 614-2811-9889

— Contrary Thinker does not assume the risk of its client’s trading futures and offers no warranties expressed or implied. The opinions expressed here are my own and grounded in sources I believe to be reliable but not guaranteed.

— Pricing is subject to change without notice. My indicators and strategies can be withdrawn for private use without notice at any time.

–Trading futures and options involve the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate for your financial situation. Use only risk capital when trading futures or options

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