Let’s back up and start with some facts: there is nothing in the Constitution that provides the right to have an abortion. Nothing in the Constitution even mentions abortion indirectly. Instead, the Supreme Court in 1973, filled with leftist judges, created, out of whole cloth, a federal right to have an abortion.
Ever since, the left has claimed there is a right to kill babies, and good people everywhere disagreed. Thankfully, due to President Trump’s stoic leadership and appointment of conservative judges to the court, the justices this week reversed this 50-year mistake.
To clear up a misnomer deliberately being advanced by leftists since the ruling, the Supreme Court did not take away or make illegal the so-called “right” to an abortion. They said it is not a federal right and left it up to the states and the people to decide.
Result: So now each state is free to make its own laws. States like California, controlled by leftists, will likely make abortion legal without age restrictions, including live birth abortion, or infanticide.
By contrast, in Arizona it is illegal for anyone, physicians included, to assist someone in getting an abortion. I hope it remains that way and that abortions are not provided in our great state.
This week’s repudiation by the highest court of the land is a long overdue correction of an injustice that has led to over 63 million American babies being slaughtered since Roe v. Wade was handed down.
What Did President Trump Say? President Trump said it wasn’t the Supreme Court’s decision, it was God’s decision.
And so Begins the Summer of Rage
As amazing and historic this week has been, across the country leftist domestic terrorists and extremists are calling for nights of rage and rioting in the streets to protest to Supreme Court’s decision.
Democrat members of congress have joined the protests and are encouraging violence and telling people “to fight.” Highways are being illegally blocked, people are being pulled from their vehicles and assaulted, bricks are being thrown at automobiles, property is being destroyed and police officers are being attacked. It’s just like the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.
One lunatic member of Congress said they will “defy the court” which is a call for lawlessness.
Right here in Arizona, rioters vandalized property near the state capital building. Beautiful and historic monuments were vandalized. The insurrectionists and rioters attempted to break into the state senate building to attack our elected representatives.
Will The Insurrectionists Be Arrested and Held in Solitary Confinement?
Hundreds of insurrectionists stormed the Wisconsin state capital building. Multiple pro-life pregnancy centers are being targeted by arson, fire-bombing and vandalism. Violent mobs are illegally protestingoutside the homes of the Supreme Court justices, yet they are not arrested. Hollywood agitators, apoplectic over the decision, are urging violence.
Woke corporations are offering to pay the bail and legal fees for rioters who are arrested for breaking laws.
These corporations that promised to fly their female employees to get abortions have a reason to do so—then they don’t have to pay for maternity leave or the added cost of family health insurance. They want youthful and fertile women to toil away in a cubicle wasting the best years of their lives for slave wages.
Here is a list of just some of the corporations that support the killing of babies – if you can shop at their competitors the world would be a better place:
Starbucks, Tesla, Yelp, Airbnb, Microsoft, Netflix, Patagonia, DoorDash, JPMorgan Chase, Levi Strauss & Co., PayPal, Reddit, Disney, Meta, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Condé Nast, Johnson & Johnson (maker of a lethal Covid vaccine); Warner Bros., Bank of America, Intuit and Zillow.
Funny how the party that won’t stop talking about the riots on January 6 is now calling for massive riots.
We’ll see how this goes. In the meanwhile, stay safe.
On a Related Note, Gosar Sponsors Legislation Deeming Pro-Abortion Radicals as Domestic Terrorists
As noted above, the conduct of pro-abortion extremist groups, including Jane’s Revenge and Ruth Sent Us is nothing short of domestic terrorism. This week, in response to these hostile and illegal actions, I cosponsored the Protecting Mothers and Babies from Terrorism Act, legislation that deems the actions of these groups and other pro-abortion radical groups as domestic terrorists.
If Congress doesn’t designate terrorists as terrorists, we can be certain the Biden Department of Justice won’t.
The Second Amendment Has Been Restored
Overshadowed by the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court this week issued another landmark ruling regarding the Second Amendment.
While many of you reading this newsletter may be lawyers, you need not be a lawyer to understand the following:
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the peopleto keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The word “infringe” is not difficult to understand. Merriam’s Dictionary states that to infringe is to “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach upon.” So, when the Founders of this great nation said your right to “keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” that means that neither Congress, nor any one, can pass laws that “limit” or “undermine” or “encroach upon” that right.
Notwithstanding the clarity in this God-given, and Constitutionally protected right, socialists and other leftists across the country continue to “infringe” on this civil right. We can speculate upon their motives why they want an unarmed populace, but they usually attempt to justify this infringement due to “gun crime.” Of course, “gun crime” by itself does not exist. What exists are people, bad people, who use guns as a tool to hurt others. Meanwhile, millions of people use guns responsibly, safely and legally. I have advocated for years that if we want to address “gun crime” we need to arrest criminals and incarcerate them for a long time. By taking criminals off the streets, we will reduce crimes where guns are used.
Leftists sometimes claim that the Second Amendment applies only to muskets and other weapons from the 18th century. That is false, and the Supreme Court in Heller explained that“arms” does not apply “only [to] those arms in existence in the 18th century.”
This is probably not an historically accurate picture of George Washington:
This week, the Supreme Court in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, affirmed that the Second Amendment not only guarantees your right to own a gun, but guarantees your right to carry that gun—publicly and openly if you want.
The case was brought after two men in New York state were denied a concealed carry permit based on a New York law that requires the applicant show “proper cause.” In another victory for law abiding gun owners, the Supreme Court struck down the law requiring citizens must demonstrate “proper cause” to obtain a concealed weapon permit, ruling that it violated the Second Amendment.
The Court explained, “nothing in the Second Amendment’s text draws a home/public distinction with respect to the right to keep and bear arms, and the definition of “bear” naturally encompasses public carry.”
Finally, the Court concluded that the Second Amendment is not some lesser right that can be regulated and restricted all the time:
The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not “a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees…The exercise of other constitutional rights does not require individuals to demonstrate to government officers some special need. The Second Amendment right to carry arms in public for self-defense is no different.
This is an important affirmation of our right to self-defense. Just like the right to free speech, or the right to vote, states cannot make laws that infringe or limit these civil rights.
All across the country, cities that enacted laws preventing people from owning a gun or making them apply for a license and prove their worth, have violated the civil rights of its citizens. Those laws are now all invalid. If you want to carry a weapon to defend yourself, especially in the lawless cities run by democrats, your right to do so is clear—and you don’t need anyone’s permission.
Speaking of Infringing, Congress Gets it Wrong!
While the Supreme Court issued a historic win for law-abiding gun owners in America, Congress on the same day voted to restrict gun rights. Well, some in Congress did. I voted against the unconstitutional gun control legislation that infringes on your rights.
You heard me right, the House and Senate passed gun control legislation this week that makes it more difficult to obtain a firearm and includesred flag laws that can be abused by zealous gun-grab proponents targeting their political enemies despite having shown to have little to no impact on reducing mass shootings. Sadly, 14 RINOs voted with all democrats, handing extremists an excuse to take your guns.
Click here to read my full statement on why I voted against this bill.
If You’ve Got a Problem, I Can Help
Contact my office if you’re having problems with the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the Veterans Affair or any other federal agencies. Maybe I can help.
For example, after a nearly two-year battle with the IRS concerning his refund, John P. from Scottsdale reached out to my office seeking help. This week, John contacted my staff to say the issue has been finally resolved and shared this thoughtful note:
Just a thank you to your team for resolving our issue with the IRS. The matter was taken care of today with the receipt of our refund after a two-year battle. You folks are great!
Gosar Tours Kirkland Pozzolan Mine
Earlier this week, I had the chance to attend the ribbon cutting and tour of the Kirkland Pozzolan Mine near Skull Valley, just west of Prescott. The mine will be fully operating in about two weeks and will employ dozens of fulltime employees. Many thanks to Dwayne Johnson, Vice President of Projects and Operations, for spending the afternoon with me!
I Got Mail!
Thank you for writing to me. I read every email and letter you send … well, most of them. Please feel free to write to me anytime you want.
Dr. B. in Mesa says:
Thank you, Dr. Gosar, for being one of the very few who are willing to stay true to their convictions in the face of so much opposition. One in a million, that’s what you are. Never back down, never cower when you know you are following the Constitution
[Thank you, Doc!]
Russell G. in Yuma writes:
Just a quick note to say thank you for representing the majority of Arizona voters. Keep up the fight against those who hate what America is all about. You have our vote.
[I love the Yumans!]
Marjorie S. in Yuma says:
I truly appreciate your voting record to support the rights of the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. My husband and I believe that saving 2nd amendment rights for law abiding citizens will do more to protect against unlawful gun violence.
AND, we believe that if current laws were enforced, that new laws would not be necessary.
Thank you for your wisdom and willingness to stand up for my 2nd amendment rights.
[Thank you, Marjorie, I could not agree more].
Debra P. in Kingman writes:
Have you signed on to Rep. Gohmert’s letter to the FDA requesting answers to questions relating to the approval for Covid-19 vaccines for children ages 5 and younger? Has the proposal been submitted to remove the emergency use authorization and lack of liability for the pharmaceutical companies?
I ask you to assist and do whatever you can to reinstate reasonableness and sanity to this Covid-19 “vaccine” insanity and these mandates. I have not been able to see a doctor for over a year because I no longer trust the healthcare system to NOT kill me.
Thank you very much for all that you do. You definitely have my vote this year, and I pray for you always.
[Debra, good news! I have signed on to that letter. I truly enjoy working with Rep. Gohmert. He is an American patriot and I am sad we won’t have him back next Congress. And covid shots for children, none of whom are at risk for serious complications from Covid, is insane, particularly in light of all the side effects impacting our youngsters and young adults who got jabbed.]
Joseph C. in Queen Creek raises a good question:
Dear Rep. Gosar,
We’re still very proud of your work on behalf of our district. You can always depend on my vote. Let me get to it now;
When will Stephen Colbert be arrested for his attempted coup / insurrection?
[Let’s hope so, Joseph. He and his criminal associates broke into the capitol and various office buildings and sought to intimidate members of congress. There are January 6th defendants still in solitary confinement who did the same. Colbert and his gang of miscreants deserve a couple years in the D.C. prison system.]
Carole R. from Prescott says:
I am sorry That Dr. Paul Gosar is no longer our Congressman! Congressman Gosar understands his responsibilities and uses his authority wisely in serving his constituents. We will miss him!
Whomever gets Congressman Gosar, take good care of him – he’s worth his weight in gold!
[Carole—I’m not crying. You’re crying.—I won’t be far. Just a county away! And you still got me until January 2nd.]
Gosar Announces More Mobile Office Hours
Veterans Service Fair Coming to Quartzsite!
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
This wonderful photo of a rainbow was taken by Alan Marcum and was shot in his backyard!
Nice picture, Alan! Hope you didn’t get wet snapping it!
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Anthony.foti@mail.house.gov.
Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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