Why not subscribe to Jacquie Lawson, and spend a whole year sending the classiest cards on the web? For just one annual fee, you can send as many cards as you like, as often as you like, to as many people as you like!
Today’s new card is a companion to the popular Elephant Encounter which we released a few weeks ago. It’s a playful design which lets you click (or tap, if you’re on a phone or tablet!) to see fun things happen. Perfect to send to the grandchildren … or indeed for your own inner child!
The contemporary look of this card qualifies it for a place in our JL Modern collection: a category which we created in 2018 to contrast with our normal (and somewhat traditional) artistic style. It has proved popular, which is encouraging, because these cards are also great fun to make!
Handy Tip! Thank you to everyone who has filled in our survey about our new website. We’ve already implemented a number of the improvements you have suggested, and we have more in the pipeline. If you haven’t already told us what you think – good or bad! – please go ahead!
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