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Andy Biggs further implicated


Dear Rj,


On Tuesday, the January 6th committee held its fourth public hearing, and we learned more about their investigation into the coordinated effort by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election.


Here’s what you need to know about how this connects to Arizona:

  • Speaker of the AZ House of Representatives Rusty Bowers testified
  • Trump and his allies repeatedly pushed Bowers to support their plan to overturn the 2020 election
  • These efforts continued up until the very morning of January 6th, 2021
  • U.S. Rep Andy Biggs played a key role in pressuring Bowers


Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives Rusty Bowers was one of several officials that testified under oath. Bowers detailed multiple attempts by former President Trump and his associate Rudy Giuliani to persuade him to support their plot to overturn the will of Arizona voters.


They wanted Bowers to subvert our electoral process, decertify Arizona’s electors, and support a slate of illegitimate, pro-Trump electors in their place.


These efforts by Trump and his allies to persuade Bowers continued up to the morning of the January 6th attack, and a key Trump ally in Arizona, Rep. Andy Biggs, was a critical part of the plot.


Biggs has supported the ongoing efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and voted to set aside both Arizona’s and Pennsylvania’s electors. He was previously subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the attack and refused to appear.


Now, Bowers has testified under oath that Biggs called him on the morning of January 6th, urging him again to decertify Arizona’s electors and subvert our right to freely and fairly choose our representatives.


Rep. Andy Biggs and all those who share responsibility for attempting to overturn the 2020 election and the planning that led to the attack must be held accountable. 


If they aren’t, the GOP’s coordinated effort to attack our elections systems will continue.


They want to take power no matter what.


Biggs should have no place in the U.S. House of Representatives. Arizonans deserve better.


In Solidarity,


Abigail Jackson


P.S. We’ve been working to keep Arizonans informed and hold those in power accountable, but the attacks on our democratic processes don’t stop. Support our efforts today with a $5 contribution.




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