WHO Are You? Gosar Fights to Protect America’s Sovereignty from World Health Organization Efforts
I’ve written extensively on Joe Biden’s efforts to cede American sovereignty to unelected global foreigners at the World Health Organization (WHO). Specifically, the Biden administration submitted changes to the WHO emergency response regulations that could give the WHO more power including declaring worldwide health emergencies at will, mandating sovereign countries to lockdown and requiring vaccine and passport mandates.Thousands of constituents have written me over the past few weeks to oppose Biden’s latest efforts to surrender America’s public health to anti-American globalists. I agree with you! This America Last policy is an insult to every American citizen. If you missed it or need a refresher, you can click hereto read more about my concerns with the WHO that I shared in a recent newsletter.
This week, I cosponsored the Protecting American Sovereignty Act, legislation that would pevent Joe Biden from surrendering American sovereignty to the WHO through the proposed Global Pandemic Treaty. Specifically, the legislation prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars from carrying out the treaty, therefore blocking it from taking effect.
Text of this important legislation can be found here.
In a related matter, I also cosponsored the WHO Withdrawal Act. This legislation requires Mr. Biden to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), repeals the law that originally authorized the United States to join the WHO, and prevents taxpayer money from being spent to participate in the WHO.
The WHO is a corrupt and feckless international institution completely beholden to China and cares nothing about the United States. President Trump was 100% right to withdraw the U.S. from this organization.
As most of you know, our economy, including our power supply – from nuclear to solar, cars, planes, homes, water supply, buildings, phones, computers and medical equipment cannot run without copper. It is essential to our lives.
The development of copper mines is considered critical for the world’s transition to a greener economy, in which electric vehicles and renewable energies will take center stage. Copper demand is expected to grow as a result, with analysts warning the global industry needs to spend more than $100 billion to build mines able to close what could be an annual supply deficit of 4.7 million tons by 2030.It is part of Arizona’s past and future. Remember – the five C’s of Arizona include copper. These five C’s have been the driving force behind Arizona’s economy.
That knowledge didn’t stop several tribes from filing a frivolous lawsuit against Hudbay Minerals who have planned a new copper mine. According to the AP, “a federal judge has rejected a request by Native American tribes to stop Toronto-based Hudbay Minerals Inc. from preparing a planned new Arizona copper mine’s site in the Santa Rita Mountains near Tucson.”
This is great news for America and Arizona.
If you know me, you know I like to educate about the importance of minerals. Watch my Mineral Monday on copper here.
Gosar Moves to Protect Critical Minerals
Speaking of minerals, this week I also cosponsoredtheDomestic Uranium Saves America Act, legislation that provides a pathway for increased uranium production in the United States through its addition to the United States’ Critical Minerals List.
Uranium is necessary for nuclear energy production, advanced nuclear technology future, supporting our nuclear Navy and our critical nuclear deterrence abilities.
Uranium supplies 20 percent of our electricity and over half of the carbon free power to our electrical grid. Arizona has an abundant reserve of uranium, but radicals have prevented mining in Arizona, so our country imports from Africa, Kazakhstan and Canada.
A crucial component to meeting current demand is securing robust funding for our uranium reserve. This important legislation adds uranium to the list of critical minerals, those essential to the economic or national security of the United States and which have a supply chain vulnerable to disruption. Uranium was removed from the Critical Minerals List in 2022.
What’s that? Congressman Gosar, do you have another Mineral Monday on Uranium? Boom! Check it out here!
Still No Baby Formula and Other Sobering Economic Indicators
Guess what time it is? It’s mail time. Here’s a small sampling of recent mail I received.
Bill C. from Prescott wrote:
I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you are right on the money regarding Ukraine. We need to stay out of Ukraine and act as an intermediary to peace between Russia and Ukraine. It is outrageous that we are shipping massive amounts of weapons to Ukraine when our own economy is falling apart.
Russia should be our ally!
We need more people like you in Congress! Keep up the good work.
Linda V. from Kingman shared:
First of all I’d like to say how proud we are to have you as a Representative!! Thank you for keeping us up to date with newsletters.
Are you aware of all the massive nut farms here in our area? California Companies buying up land and using our resources here.
We are very concerned about the water reservoir being used. It doesn’t seem that we can do anything about it and the City or County doesn’t seem bothered.
Apparently there is no dust regulations either on the nut farm lands and neighbors in Valle Vista are effected horribly.
Thank you for looking into this water issue.
Kenneth R. from Gilbert makes a strong point:
By the way I enjoy your newsletter that comes out every week it is very enlightening thank you.
And Paula C. from Seligman sends these thoughtful words:
I think I speak for all of us American Patriots who reside in AZ . Thank you for your tireless efforts to save our country from ruin by Biden’s Minions.
We are grateful that we have a man with backbone and resolve in the DC ‘Sewer’ to do the job we expect from our GOP elected officials. It’s too bad you HAVE NO ONE to stand with you against the forces of evil in Washington.
Thanks so much for the thoughtful notes and even the not-so-thoughtful notes (which I can’t share because of all the cursing! This is a family-friendly publication, after all!) I appreciate hearing from you. You can send me a message here.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
This wonderful photo of Mittry Lake was taken by Ellen McNamara from Bullhead City, Arizona.
Thank you, Ellen. Looks like you may have found a piece of paradise!
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great State to wade.searle@mail.house.gov. Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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