Find A Business Online does not guarantee or represent the accuracy of the business model descriptions of the brands we represent. We are acting simply as an intermediary between the brands we represent and the candidates we work with. We recommend that any potential franchisee contact each franchise directly to further evaluate risks of any franchise investment and to better understand the revenue statements and risks. Franchise Consultant shall not be held liable for any representations or contents of the represented Franchises Business Model’s investment information or the investing in the franchise opportunity. It is your direct responsibility to conduct the appropriate due diligence and evaluate directly with your own personnel, franchise attorney or other resources concerning the franchise opportunity. Should you move forward in purchasing franchise investment, you agree to indemnify and defend Franchise Consultant from any and all claims arising out of representations, documentation or other information provided by franchisor. Franchisee, Franchisor and Broker knowingly and voluntarily waive any and all claims against Franchise Consultant.