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⚰️ R.I.P America 🇺🇸 says NASA

Pop quiz.

If China or Russia launched a missile —

Do you know how long it would take for it to hit the U.S.?

1 minute and 26 seconds.

Yes. Our enemies are closer to us than we think.

And while our sleepy government is staring off into the distance, afraid of a potential airstrike —

A more dangerous threat is lurking.

One that we are pretty much hopeless against.

See, while our current administration was preoccupied with pronouns, restrictions, and censoring its people —

Our enemies have been plotting the perfect plan.

And they’re ready to strike at any moment.

Except it won’t be via missile.

According to a leaked document from the U.S. senate, Russia and China may have already infiltrated America’s Achilles’ Heel.

And if this report is right, may God have mercy on us.

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