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Moe or Joe?

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Moe or Joe?

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MOE OR JOE? – February 1, 2022

Contrast the situation of Moe and Joe. Moe expects everyone to serve him. The moment he awakens he thinks, Is someone going to bring me coffee? Moe expects people to cater to his plans, meet his needs, and reward him. Consequently, Moe is seldom happy.

Joe, on the other hand, measures the success of his day with this standard: Whom can I help today? He serves his wife by bringing her coffee. He keeps a positive attitude at work. Joe goes to bed with a smile on his face.

Which one are you? Moe? Joe? Or maybe a little of both, Mo-Jo?

1 John 4:19 says, “we love because he first loved us.” Make your happiness dependent on how others serve you, and you’ll always be disappointed. But find happiness in serving others, and…well, you can complete the sentence.

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