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Jason Crow for Congress

Pat, democracy isn’t inevitable.

You’ve likely heard me say that many times, but it’s true: It takes dedication and bravery to defeat authoritarian forces — especially when they’re at your doorstep. I recently went on a trip where I witnessed that bravery firsthand.

Last Saturday, I had the tremendous honor of joining Speaker Pelosi and three other House colleagues on the ground in Kyiv, Ukraine. Our delegation met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for more than three hours, where we received a comprehensive report on Ukraine’s effort to stop Putin’s war.

We discussed the current state of the battle in the south and the east. We talked through weapons issues and further sanctions against Vladimir Putin. And we discussed the need for humanitarian aid in this conflict — not just within Ukraine and Europe, but the ramifications worldwide if Russia continues blocking exports out of the Black Sea without consequences.

We delivered a simple message to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: The United States will stand with you as you win this war.

The Biden administration has been a strong partner — gathering a coalition of our allies and partners and declassifying intelligence at a rapid rate to support Ukraine. President Biden’s $33 billion aid request to Congress is historic, and if passed, will go a long way toward helping our allies.

We have already provided strong support, but we must move at the speed of war. Vladimir Putin is going to continue pressing this invasion. He’s getting more and more desperate, showing no signs of stopping the brutality. As the war changes and evolves, we need to make sure the Ukrainians have what they need to win.

Like I said from the beginning, democracy isn’t inevitable. We all have a part to play in defeating authoritarianism at home and abroad.

For nearly three months, we’ve watched as the Ukrainian people put their lives on the line to protect their democracy from Vladimir Putin’s unjustified war of aggression. We’re prepared to do whatever it takes to help our Ukrainian brothers and sisters defeat authoritarianism.

Thank you,


Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress — and he’s not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?

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