Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Roe vs. Wade

Roe vs. Wade

Every time I hear this phrase, “A woman’s right to choose,” the first thing that comes to mind is, Why don’t they finish the sentence?” To choose what” Women have always had the right to choose whatever they want. Where to go, what to wear, what career path, who to marry, who not to marry, etc. All the demonstrating, all the signs stating “My body, my choice” never mentions the completely separate human body that grows inside a pregnant woman. Why is that? Not just her body anymore. Let us then finish the sentence before we decide to take a stand on abortion. That is, “A woman’s right to choose to terminate the life of her unborn child.” In our society does anyone else, besides a woman, have the right to kill another human being?

Judy Roznos, Irvine

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