We’ve been busy here at Hired expanding into new roles and cities all around the world. If you are new to this community, welcome! If you are a long-time Hired user, we’ve got some fresh updates for you!
“Hired has really made the job search process more efficient and pain-free. The company, SEMPRE, that reached out to me on Hired was very professional throughout the whole interview process and kept constant communication with me after every step, all the way until I got my offer letter from them.”
Ensure you are logging into Hired often to update your profile. Our product team has been hard at work updating the candidate profile selections, so make sure all fields are completed appropriately. This helps match you with the right opportunities and employers!
Regardless of whether you’re a software engineer, a data scientist, a web developer, or a program manager, you’ll be asked “tell me about yourself” in nearly every interview. It’s a popular way to get the ball rolling and if you answer it well, you set the tone for a successful interview.
Hired is hosting a panel discussion on May 5th! Join us and experts from Amazon, Educative, and Signify Health as we discuss key findings from Hired’s 2022 State of Software Engineers Report.
“I got laid off in 2020. After a ton of interviews throughout 2021 and still no offers, I tried out Hired around November. I was amazed by the experience of putting the candidate in a place where companies were reaching out to me instead. I had lots of good interviews, two offers, and am now working at one of the companies today. Thank you!”
Know of anyone currently looking for a new role? Refer them to Hired here and receive $1,000 when they get placed.
Meet Betty Bean. She’s 6.7lbs of mostly ears. Her hobbies include strings, cuddles and helping her mom make friends with clients by showing her off on calls. She was named after Betty White and is just as hilarious (but more of a diva).
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