Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Sit in to save America


Dear Rj,

It’s time to sit in to save America.

On Monday, May 23rd, Arizonans and West Virginians will come together for a joint direct action to end the filibuster in our respective states.

We can not allow Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to continue to block the progress we need and the solutions to the crises we face.

Join us in Tucson at our sit in to save America. 

In Arizona, we’ll take action in Tucson where Sinema was born and has a Senate office which has never once been staffed or open to the public. The actions will start at 11am local time and include a family-friendly rally and march before the sit-in.

We must show Sinema that she is out of line with the Arizonans she supposedly represents, and that her actions have been unacceptable.

At a moment of great urgency, she and Manchin have allowed Republicans to weaponize an outdated Senate rule to prevent the passage of voting rights protections, labor, climate, and immigrant rights, the fight for $15, reproductive rights protections, LGBTQ+ rights, gun violence prevention, climate action and more.

Time after time, Sinema and Manchin have put their corporate donors ahead of our families, our democracy, and our planet. This can’t continue.

Arizonans and West Virginians have been taking action over the past year, but it’s time to escalate our fight to end the filibuster.

Sign up now to join us at the sit in to save America!

Sinema and Manchin are blocking the change we need during a time when our fundamental rights are at risk. It’s time for us to block business as usual and demand it.

As a coalition of movement leaders in the Grand Canyon State and the Mountain State, we call on our fellow Arizonans and West Virginians to join us in Tucson and Charleston on the 23rd.

To register for either the family-friendly rally and march or to take part in the direct action following the event, sign up here.

In solidarity,

Abigail Jackson

Progress Arizona

Arizona Coalition to End the Filibuster




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