Peter A. Hovis

They lied about Hunter


In 2020, the media lied to us.

That’s no surprise, of course. But I’m talking about one lie in particular—that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

The media got intelligence officials to back up the lies and get the story banned from social media.

They even banned the New York Post—America’s oldest publication—from reporting the story.

As if the story couldn’t be any more biased, both the NY Times and the Washington Post have recently confirmed the truth of the Biden laptop story.

Have any of them apologized or owned up to the mistake?

No, they haven’t.

This isn’t just bias—this is open malevolence to the American people and election interference.
It’s time to hold the media and their lackeys accountable, both in the public eye and in the courts of law. 
But MRC can’t fight this war alone, Peter. That’s why I set a goal to raise $37,000 that will go to holding the Left media accountable for their lies and misinformation.

Can I count on your help to stop blatant media manipulation and lies? Click here to donate $10, $35, $50, or any amount >>>

I won’t stop until the radical liberal journalists are treated with the same disdain as tobacco executives.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC).

MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to neutralizing leftist bias in the news media and popular culture.

When the MRC was founded in 1987, over 75% of Americans trusted the left-wing media. Now, MRC has successfully SHATTERED America’s trust in the leftwing media—over 90% of Americans state they DO NOT trust the media anymore. 

Make no mistake: the media is working alongside Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Google, and every facet of the internet to censor the truth.

Lies and censorship is anti-American, plain and simple. 

We CAN NOT allow media to destroy the First Amendment or build a culture hostile to debate, disagreements, or be allowed to silence us.

Can I count on YOU, Peter, to stand for the first Amendment? Click any link below to donate. 

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It’s time to hold the Left media accountable for their lies.

Thank you,

Brent Bozell
Founder and President of MRC
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