Brazil’s bicentennial gives us the opportunity to tell Brazil’s greatest stories. Interesting people, places, and events in Brazilian history and culture.
Rice and beans. It’s the nutritional staple for many Latin American countries. But when you mix rice and beans and Brazil, you get something truly special.
This All-American album took the best of Brazil’s jazzy new beat and redefined it. Jazz Samba changed how the world would think about Bossa Nova forever.
100 years ago, Sao Paulo’s revolutionary Week of Modern Art kicked off an intensely creative period for Brazilian creativity. Controversial? Absolutely!
Begins Sunday: Brazil’s Chill will warm your heart and stir your soul. Two melodic hours of easy rhythms fueled by the Brazilian sun. Maybe spring will tune in too!
Listen Live
Broadcast date: April 24 – May 1
On-Demand through May 8
Streaming daily at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central.
This Sunday, it’s our Discover Brazil playlist of Spring’s best new songs. Plan to join us for The Sunday Brazilian Brunch. Three hours of the world’s best music!