The Army Historical Foundation celebrates Women’s History Month and recognizes the positive impact Women have had throughout U.S. Army history. Explore below to learn more about the latest Museum offerings for Women’s History Month.
Commemorate National Rosie the Riveter Day, March 21, by exploring the Army and Society and Global War Galleries at the National Army Museum. Redd Evans and John Jacob Loeb sang about “Rosie the Riveter” in their World War II era song celebrating the patriotic and hard-working women who stepped up to fill wartime labor vacancies. Working in typically male-dominated industries like factories and shipyards, these women responded to a critical need for labor, producing munitions and war supplies essential to the war effort. Plan your visit!
Virtual Field Trip
Our Girls Over There: The Hello Girls of World War I
Explore the commitment, sacrifice, and challenges of the Hello Girls during World War I. Learn how these female telephone operators were recruited for specific skills and how their contributions were critical to effective U.S. Army wartime
communications. Also examine how they fought to achieve recognition and military benefits after the war. This Virtual Field Trip is supported by the U.S. Army Women’s Museum. Register for the Virtual Field Trip: “Our Girls Over There”
March 16 & 23, 10-10:45 AM EST
Get a Closer Look
Plan your visit to the National Army Museum this month and stop by the Nation Overseas Gallery to pair your virtual field trip with an in-person visit! Get a closer look of the Chief Telephone Operator uniform that belonged to Cordelia Dupuis, who wore it while serving with the Signal Corps on the outskirts of Paris during WWI. Check out more unique artifacts like these in our Nation Overseas Gallery in the Museum!
Soldier Stories Spotlight
Find the stories of women throughout Army history among the pylons of the Museum’s Soldiers’ Stories Gallery. Each freestanding pylon is etched with the image of a Soldier’s face and details of their time in uniform.
Recorded Book Talks
Celebrate women’s history and female authors by exploring the Museum’s collection of Book Talks! Find Katherine Landdeck’s virtual discussion about her book, “The Women with Silver Wings: The Inspiring True Story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War
Author Paula Tarnapol Whitacre is also highlighted in our collection as she discusses her book, “A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time: Julia Wilbur’s Struggle for Purpose.” In this 2020 virtual event, Whitacre focuses on Wilbur’s experiences against the backdrop of Union-occupied Alexandria, the travails of the civilian population there, and her efforts to comfort sick and wounded Federal Soldiers and runaway slaves.