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This Week With Gosar

Contact Me  |   Media Center  |   Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: February 27,

This Week With Gosar

PRESCOTT, AZ – Top Stories…

Gosar Takes Steps to Further Protect Americans from Mandates

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I have opposed the onslaught of mandates forcing vaccinations, businesses to close, classrooms shutdown and the masking of our children. Sadly, Joe Biden and the socialists in Congress wake up every day considering additional mandates, more ways to interfere with your life and expanding the size of the federal government.  

In response, this week I joined the Freedom to Fly Maskless Act, legislation that would prohibit the government from mandating masks, negative COVID-19 tests, and vaccinations in order to ride public transportation or take domestic flights. Congress never passed a law requiring masks, COVID tests or a vaccine in order fly on a commercial aircraft.  

Democrats’ hypocrisy knows no boundaries.  Despite their efforts to remove voter ID requirements to vote, many citizens are rightfully concerned that some politicians will push to impose vaccine passports to vote.  Americans are sick and tired of having their constitutional liberties trampled on all for the sake of COVID-19.  This week, I cosponsored the Securing Enfranchisement and the Rights of Voters Regardless of Inoculation Status (SERVIS) Act prohibiting the requirement of vaccine passports and masks to vote.  This common-sense legislation would ensure citizens are not denied their constitutional right to the ballot box.

This week I also cosponsored the Stop Federal Vaccine Mandates for Employees Act clarifying that OSHA does not have any authority to mandate vaccines for private employees.

The viral spread is diminishing and it’s time to return to our normal lives. These mandates are ridiculous and need to end!

Gosar Joins Bipartisan Effort to Protect Social Security Benefits 

In recent months I have heard from many constituents advocating to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) that reduce Social Security benefits.  Specifically, the WEP reduces the Social Security earned benefit by up to 50%. The GPO reduces, and frequently eliminates, the spousal benefit paid for by the Social Security earner. This week I cosponsored H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, legislation repealing both the WEP and GPO to restore Social Security benefits.

Gosar and Allies Act to Expand Telehealth Access for all Americans 

The COVID-19 pandemic forced changes in our way of life and in healthcare delivery, necessitating a meaningful expansion of healthcare access through telehealth. As the country reopens and Americans return to normal life, Congress needs to ensure these services remain.  This week, I cosponsored legislation to foster telehealth expansion by allowing health care providers the ability to practice the full scope of their license via telehealth, allowing patients to easily establish telehealth services with a provider, and providing disciplinary measures to prevent telehealth abuse.  Telehealth can improve the access to medical care for both rural and underserved communities throughout my district.  This legislation will give my constituents the flexibility to access health care when and where they can.  

Putin Invades Ukraine

I would be remiss to not mention the events unfolding in Ukraine. This past Thursday, Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine and Russian troops launched a wide-ranging attack.

My position has been clear: this conflict has nothing to do with American national security and not one American soldier should be dragged into a war 5000 miles away when there is no reason to be there.  I have called on Mr. Biden to seek Congressional approval before sending American troops to Ukraine.  

On a side note, I find it rich that Mr. Biden is sending thousands of American soldiers to Europe while simultaneously firing soldiers who refuse to get the COVID jab.

Biden promised he would keep Putin in check.  He broke that promise. Remember back in 2020 when Joe Biden boasted that Putin didn’t want him to be President because he was the only person that has ever gone toe-to-toe with Putin?  Sadly, Biden was dead wrong.  In fact, this war demonstrates what happens when Mr. Biden shows weakness on an international scale and makes decision tying financial and economic security to foreign nations. Donald Trump is the only President in the last two decades that didn’t allow Russia to harass its neighbors.

Now Americans are paying the price for Biden’s weakness and incompetence.  Gas prices will surely skyrocket (even more than they already have), American’s retirement and investment accounts are getting pummeled, and our access to critical minerals and materials crucial for our daily lives are threatened.  

In 2014, the Department of Defense noted that “Putin and Xi perceive the West as a declining power. They view the West as weak, stupid, infantile, decadent and thoroughly parasitized by a mercenary Virtual ‘elite’ class that seems more than happy to wage an internal war on their own Physical classes.” 

What’s next?  Pay close attention to China.  

I Hate to Tell You I was Right But ……

For nearly two years many of us, myself included, saw the real impact of COVID-19 on certain population groups that were at risk, promoted immunity defense (not vaccines), and in general followed the actual science on masking, mandates, distancing and lockdowns. 

Now the truth has been confirmed by the very government agencies that called me and others heretics or worse. Everything we said is proving true and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) look like lying clowns.  

A new report this week by the Washington Examiner details how for well over a year the CDC withheld valuable data on hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in the United States broken down by age, race, and vaccination status, a failure that critics say worsened the pandemic response.

It is so bad for the lying CDC that they officially claim to withhold actual data that shows how wrong they were at every stage.  In February, the CDC released data which showed vaccine booster shots were relatively effective for adults aged 50-65 but hid data about the effectiveness of booster shots on adults aged 18-49.  Why?

Journalists wondered why as well noting that the CDC “left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group the data showed was least likely to benefit from extra shots.”  When asked why this information was hidden, the CDC replied that it did not want the data to be “misinterpreted” as showing that vaccines are ineffective.

By “misinterpreting” it meant learning the truth: that individuals between the ages of 18-49 years old are “least likely to benefit from [booster] shots.”  This is important to know for our working adults.  For people in this group, knowing that the booster is ineffective, and knowing the side effects are high, the choice not to boost would be rationale.   By hiding this information, the CDC is harming people.  Sadly, the CDC is engaged is politics, not science or public health.

Compounding this, in Scotland and elsewhere, the government said it would stop publishing data about the vaccination status of COVID patients, especially deaths and hospitalizations.  The reason is obvious: hospitalizations and deaths among the fully vaccinated is exceeding the unvaccinated.  

Americans, all people, deserve truth and honesty.  

Mr. Biden Extends the COVID-19 National State Emergency

Across America, mask mandates are being liftedand normal life is beginning to return. Yet, Mr. Biden extended the COVID-19 national emergency for another year.

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) is an unconstitutional infringement on the separation of powers which gives any sitting President extraordinary powers to deal with crises other than war or natural disasters.  A provision in the NEA grants Congress termination review of national emergencies, stating that after six months, and every six months after the emergency continues. Faithful Gosar Newsletter readers will recall that twice I moved to terminate the national emergency and both times Nancy Pelosi changed the rules of the entire House to prevent this from happening. 

Last week, Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas introduced a Senate companion to my resolution which is subject to an expedited procedure which may result in a Senate vote on whether the emergency should be terminated. I’ll be sure to keep you updated as this plays out in the Senate. 

Tweet of the Week

Paul Gosar

@DrPaulGosar:  I am formally asking the Biden Administration to lift the devastating sanctions he imposed … on the U.S. We need mining. We need drilling. We need pipelines. We need manufacturing. Reverse those ridiculous executive orders. Stop punishing your people.

See Tweet HERE.

Picture of the Week

Tombstone, Ron Gregrich

This photo was taken and submitted by Ron Gregrich. It features the famous O.K. Corral building in down in Tombstone. We Arizonans really do have some pretty cool history, don’t we?

Thank you, Ron!

Now, who is next!?

Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” Send your best shots of our great State to We have a beautiful State, let’s show her off!

Other Highlights From This Week

Biden’s woke State Department recently announced a major passport policy change and began issuing an option for a third gender for United States passports. Applicants who identify with the third gender option will be allowed to have their passport marked with an “X” standing for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming U.S. citizens. I cosponsored the Passport Sanity Act requiring the use of passports with only the male or female gender designation.

Obamacare has been a disaster from the start. I cosponsored the Responsible Path to Full Obamacare Repeal Act, legislation authored by Representative Biggs to repeal it once and for all. 

The Capitol is the People’s house. It is shameful that it has been closed to visitors since March 2020. This week, I joined a resolution supporting its reopening.

Easter Art Opportunity!

What does Easter mean to you? Show us the meaning of Easter through your eyes in an art card. Your art will be featured in a digital reel and shared on the my social media and weekly newsletter! Please submit your artwork to Jessica Lycos at

by April 13th!

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You Might Want to Know

Yahoo News, Reps. Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, AOC, and Cori Bush join 39 other lawmakers to urge Biden to seek congressional approval before sending troops into Ukraine

12News, Arizona Leaders React to Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Washington Examiner: Biden’s weakness on Ukraine has fueled Putin’s fire

The Washington Examiner: CDC withholds large amounts of key COVID-19 data

New York Post: Biden presidency has made the US look weaker to Putin

Cronkite News: Far-Left, Far-Right Lawmakers Come Together to Caution Biden on Ukraine 


My office will be holding office hours in Bullhead City and Kingman on March 3rd. Please call (928) 445-1683 to make your appointment today!


Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
Member of Congress

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