Vaccines subject to availability. State-, age- and health-related restrictions may apply.
Find Care®: Walgreens Find Care® allows certain healthcare providers that have contracted with Walgreens to advertise and provide information to consumers about their respective healthcare services. All healthcare organizations listed in the Find Care tool have contracted with Walgreens to be listed on these webpages and to display information that they have provided about their services. All healthcare services are provided solely by the independent healthcare provider organizations listed, according to the particular organization’s own policies and terms. The healthcare provider organizations and their respective healthcare providers are not employees or agents of Walgreens or any Walgreens subsidiary or affiliate company. Information about the listed healthcare organizations and their respective services is provided by the particular organization and should not be viewed as a recommendation, endorsement or guarantee by Walgreens. Walgreens is not responsible for, and disclaims all liability for, the listed provider services.
Walgreens Cash rewards: Must be a myWalgreens™ member. Walgreens Cash rewards are not legal tender. No cash back. Walgreens Cash rewards good on future purchases. Only includes Walgreens branded products.