I am the Progressive Democratic Candidate for US House Congressional District 3. I have deep roots in Eastern NC as I am the only candidate with direct roots within this district. I embody the struggle that Eastern North Carolinians face. I have experienced racism at an early age, when I was offered employment over the phone but denied when I arrived, I was charged with a misdemeanor at the age of 17 and convicted at the age of 18. Even though this was over 21 years ago, I have since obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, and a host of certifications in the fields of mental health, substance use disorders, and criminal justice. But this has not been enough to be forgiven and to achieve the American Dream that we all strive for. Due to this I have a large amount of empathy for those incarcerated, justice involved, and those who are often forgotten.
Having been directly involved in the community for the last 21 years, I have worked to assist disenfranchised individuals and families within the community to obtain resources needed through connecting and linking services to other organizations within the community. This led to me founding a 501C3 based nonprofit in 2019 called NC Community Outreach & Wellness Center Inc. This organization is a 501c3 nonprofit that is founded on the 8 dimensions of wellness (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, social) to give disenfranchised individuals opportunities that aid with reclaiming their lives and overcoming challenges. All these dimensions contribute to the needs of Eastern North Carolinians, which is why I now feel that the time has come for me to seek elected office.
My descendants were German settlers who settled into Eastern North Carolina and have contributed to founding New Bern NC. My grandmother’s great grandfather was a slave right here in Eastern NC. He was a run-away due to his wife being sold to another plantation. Both my ancestors and forefathers had a vision for their lives right here in the east. I follow in their footsteps, but I want to bring fresh ideas and positive solutions to all Eastern North Carolinians by running for US Congressional District 3.
I have always been very concerned about North Carolina moving into the 21st century, which is a current problem that we are faced with. I believe there are workable solutions available that will help solve the problems or otherwise address the issue.
I stand strong on the concept that North Carolina must utilize our current imports and exports to move into the 21st Century. I was amazed to find out that North Carolina brings 34 billion dollars into the economy due to its exports. But I feel that this is not enough. To move forward, NC must invest in its own resources that come from our agriculture, farmers, fishermen, and small businesses.
In addition, I believe that we must invest in updated education such as training or certifications in Commercial Drivers Licenses, Logistics, Entrepreneurship, and 21st century upgraded jobs. It’s time to revitalize the middle class and step into the future. This includes North Carolina students being able to study abroad and international students being able to enroll into North Carolina colleges. In 2018, 1.2 million jobs were created due to trade and 87% of these jobs came from small businesses. I remember when I was younger that we were taught that the United States was a melting pot, but this is not accurate, the United States is full of various cultures that we can all learn from. North Carolina has the potential to be included in this and to step into its position for economic growth and job creation.
To succeed in this effort, I need to mount an aggressive campaign. My opponent is Greg Murphy, the incumbent who continues to spew hate and separate Eastern North Carolinians. He continues to hold this seat while blatantly failing to uphold the US Constitution. This is our very foundation of what makes the American Dream possible.
This campaign will also require a strong and organized campaign with various grassroots organizations. I have been a very active community advocate and activist fighting for not only democracy in Eastern North Carolina, but I have traveled to DC and other areas to rally and protest for equity for all Americans on various issues such as voting rights, ending the filibuster, criminal justice reform, education, immigration, veterans, and other social/racial injustices.
However, I cannot do this alone. That’s why I am inviting organizations such as yourself to join with me and stand in solidarity by endorsing and contributing to our campaign.
An early contribution of $20,000 made payable to Barbara Gaskins for Congress, will help us reach the initial funds of $1,000,000 needed to launch a solid campaign and increase our reach within the Eastern counties that we need to reach to get our message out to these rural areas. A letter of endorsement is also requested to support our initiatives.
Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support. I look forward to hearing from you.
Barbara D. Gaskins Candidate for US Congressional District 3
307 Prince Road (Mailing Address)
Greenville NC 27858
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