1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
(11) that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, (12) that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.
New King James Version Change your email Bible versionDo we lead a quiet life, or are things always in turmoil? Do we live in peace, or is it in constant strife? If we are living in strife and turmoil, what are we doing to contribute to it?
Do we mind our own business, or are we busybodies and meddlers? Do we always want to know what the other person across the fence is doing? Do we always call up somebody for the latest news about what’s going on over in this church or with that person and his problem?
Is our “helpfulness” really a guise for poking our nose in where we are not wanted? With some people it is. They serve in order to get the goods on others.
Do we work, or are we lazy? This does not mean just our physical labor for the food we put on our table. It could be spiritual work. It could be our service to one another. Do we work with our own hands, or are people always making allowances for us? Are we living off the goodness of another’s heart? Some people think they are owed something. They are victims of circumstance, and so they want everybody to give to them, rather than working for it.
Do we show the same Christian character to our work buddies as we do to the people who sit beside us in church? Paul asks that here in terms of “walk[ing] properly toward those who are outside.” Are our lives hypocritical? Do we put on our best character and slip into a chair at church just once each week? Do our acquaintances in the world see Christ in us, or do they see “Joe Six-Pack” who has downed a few too many six packs? Do they see someone who curses a blue streak six days a week, but one day a week, he is the soul of pleasant and wise speech? How do people in the world see us?
Lastly, Paul says, “I urge you that you may lack nothing.” He does not mean, “Do we lack a pair of shoes, a new DVD player, or the latest PlayStation game?” What he means is, “Do we lack anything that makes us better Christians, or are we satisfied with ourselves where we stand?” Have we come into the church and accepted God’s grace, and then say “Take me as I am, Lord, without one plea”? Or do we know that we lack some quality that would make us better Christians and strive to add it to our characters?
— Richard T. Ritenbaugh