Contact Me | Media Center | Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: September 27,
This Week With Gosar
WASHINGTON D.C. – Greetings. It’s the conclusion of a busy week, and the start of another busy week in Washington, D.C. The House of Representatives voted on legislation to fund the government and the annual defense authorization bill. Here are this week’s highlights.
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DECERTIFY? Election Integrity Update: I went to the state Capitol on Friday and listened to the presentation by the Senate on its election integrity audit. What was learned and reported on is shocking and monumental. I will be sending you a separate email on this key issue.
Gosar Demands Answers Regarding Under Reporting of COVID-19 Vaccine Data
How does the public know if a vaccine works or that it causes harm? Health care providers are obligated to report all outcomes, good and bad, and the bad results must be reported if a vaccine causes injuries. Almost all vaccines cause some injuries, and some have been taken off the market because the rate of injury is too high.
To have faith in our government institutions they must be reliable and honest. Questions about the Center for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration mishandling of COVID data (the number of actual cases, prevention techniques) and COVID treatments (banning therapies that other countries use successfully) and now falsifying COVID vaccine injury reports undermine public confidence.
If you have not followed Project Veritas, a non-profit independent journalism organization, please check them out regularly at
These guys do more for uncovering the truth than just about anyone else right now. Project Veritas recently uncovered deliberate underreporting or simply nonreporting vaccine injuries by health care providers at Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC). PIMC is a federal government facility providing medical care to Native Americans from Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.
In response to the undercover investigation that found that this hospital was violating federal law and not reporting vaccine injuries, I sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) demanding a national review to ensure full compliance with vaccine injury reporting laws. A story about my efforts is found here.
Health care providers are inflicting harm on patients by not reporting adverse vaccine events, and they are violating federal law. It is key that we have accurate data concerning adverse vaccine reaction risks. Inaccurate data harms public health, and individual patients and their families.
To read a copy of the letter I sent to HHS, click here.
Congress Authorizes Killing Babies—Abortion is not “Health Care”
Dr. Russell Sacco holds the feet of an unborn baby ten weeks after conception.
We all recall the horror we heard in 2019 when Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist, said the following about killing babies: “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So, I think this was really blown out of proportion,” Northam said during a radio interview. Continuing, “don’t worry — if we miss on the first try, we’ll certainly get them on the second, Dr. Mengele.”
Virginia Democrat state legislator, Rep. Kathy Tran, proposed the same bill in Virginia that Congress just passed this week. In response to questions about whether there are any limits on killing a baby, she made it clear there are none, even if the baby is being born, as documented by this floor debate:
Okay, but to the end of the third trimester?” Majority Leader Todd Gilbert (R) asked her. “Yup, I don’t think we have a limit in the bill,” Tran replied.
“My bill would allow that, yes,” Tran said, as calmly as any grocery store butcher goes about their business.
The Democrats thirst for blood, literally killing live babies, has now come to Congress in the form of H.R. 3755, which they disgustingly call “the Women’s Health Protection Act.”
Let’s be clear about this. Babies don’t kill mothers. Babies are not an illness or health problem. Babies are separate people, as every parent knows. Calling the murder of live babies “Health Care” reflects a true sadistic evil that has permeated their minds. We will not stand for it, and I voted against it with all my heart.
This legislation would allow for abortion of the unborn for any reason and at any stage of pregnancy, including up until birth. By any standards, this is extreme, despicable, and heartbreaking.
Abortion is the killing of an innocent life and Americans do not support abortion on demand. In fact, 80% of Americans say that abortion should be illegal in the third trimester.
This legislation would override pro-life laws and prohibit states from enacting legislation that protects unborn children, such as protections for babies with Down syndrome and other disabilities.
It removes commonsense protections for women and children. For example, it would not allow states to enact laws to ensure parental involvement for minors or laws to protect women from coercion.
This bill also includes language that could weaken conscience protections for medical professionals and limit their right to refuse to participate in an abortion.
I voted against this atrocious assault on the sanctity of life.
Gosar: Hold Biden and Military Brass Accountable
America just lost a 20-year war in Afghanistan, with over 2,401 of our soldiers killed, 20,752 wounded, 1,822 civilian contractors killed and over $2.2 trillion wasted. That is $2.2 trillion, with T, which is so much money economists cannot attempt to explain the value of a trillion. Neither can I except to tell you it is unfathomable we wasted all that money while our own roads, schools, airports, ports and buildings languish in disrepair. We know now that George W. Bush and his administration lied to the American public to get us into war in Afghanistan and that should be a permanent scar on his reputation.
In the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, our incompetent military leadership, headed by the goofball leftist Gen. Milley, who claims that American veterans are the biggest threat to the United States, we left over $80 billion of the best military equipment to our sworn enemies: China, the Taliban and Iran. This brilliant move was likely intentionally done by the deceitful Biden administration because they had plenty of time to scuttle—or destroy—any equipment they could not take. They should have taken the equipment back—equipment you and I paid for in our heavy taxes. Instead, it was gifted, shiny and new, to Iran and China.
In a colossal cluster, Mr. Biden and his incompetent generals, exposed our ground troops to hostile attacks, and 13 soldiers were killed near the Kabul airport. This was completely preventable and it was in fact predicted that if they did not change the security zone, a bomb attack was likely. Mr. Biden and Gen. Milley ignored the warnings and, as a result, 13 of our best our dead.
In a despicable effort to look “strong” and “competent” the zany Gen. Milley ordered an innocent family of 10 to be murdered by one of our drones. The man who was killed, Zemari Ahmadi, was an aid worker employed by a U.S.-based nonprofit working to address malnutrition in the country. According to a New York Times investigation, he “had just pulled up at home from work as his youngest son Farzad, 13, raced out to greet him.” For reasons not explained, Gen. Milley and his crew of incompetents, launched a missile at him and his family, killing 7 children.
Malika, age 2, killed by Gen. Milley. Sumaia, age 2, killed by Gen. Milley.
After killing all these children, the bizarre Gen. Milley told Americans the killings were “righteous.” Not until weeks later did the military leadership admit the truth: they murdered an innocent family for no reason.
I have said this before: our troops are the best in the world. They win every battle we ask them to fight. But just like Vietnam, Afghanistan was not lost because of our troops, it was lost because of bad political and military leadership. Our troops deserve so much better than the leftists in charge of the military right now.
That brings us to this week in D. C. Each year, Congress votes to authorize the appropriations for the Department of Defense and defense-related activities at other federal agencies. It is called the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, and it also establishes national security policies and restrictions.
Let’s start with the good. On a positive note, two of my amendments were included in the final legislation. One regarding analysis of U.S. military equipment left behind to the Taliban and one requiring a study of the military industrial complex’s stranglehold on defense spending.
Despite my amendments helping to improve the final bill, I voted against the NDAA. Why, you may ask? Because our military leadership has failed America.
There is absolutely no provision in this legislation that holds the Biden administration accountable for its actions in Afghanistan. We lost a 20-year war due to their leadership incompetence.
Unfortunately, this year’s NDAA contained no provisions to prevent the divisive and disastrous Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT) from being promoted within the military. CRT divides our military and destroys troop morale, yet General Milley and other top brass continue to propagate this ideology within our military.
There is nothing in this legislation demanding answers from General Milley regarding his treasonous actions to collaborate with the Chinese Communist Party concerning American military strategy.
Today our military leaders at the highest rank have become political pawns for the Biden administration.
For these reasons, I voted against the NDAA but will continue to work closely with the Senate to improve this important legislation.
Click here to read my full statement concerning why I voted no.
Gosar Votes Against Red Flag Law Contained in NDAA
For the first time in our nation’s history,Congress passed what is called a “red flag” law. This type of law is blatantly unconstitutional under our second amendment. The law seeks to disarm and prevent gun ownership for any person the government thinks could one day be a criminal, even if that person has no criminal record at all. These laws also rely on “neighbors” or disgruntled fellow workers or family to call the government on people they don’t like. For example, if you have a yard sign your neighbor doesn’t like, your neighbor can call federal law enforcement and claim that the sign makes you potentially dangerous and they can “red flag” you.
At the moment, this law applies to all military and military contractors. But the leftists in Congress want this type of onerous totalitarianism imposed on everyone.
I was proud to vote against it. Unfortunately, over 100 of my Republican colleagues voted for it along with most Democrats.
Gosar Seeks Information on Why the FAA Censored Media Coverage of Border Crisis
The border crisis continues to grow worse every month. 209,000 illegal immigrants crossed the southern border in August. This is 317% increase compared to last August. Since Mr. Biden took office, 1.2 million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border. We are on pace to have 2 million illegal aliens cross the southern border in 2021.
This week, Del Rio, Texas become the latest flashpoint highlighting Mr. Biden’s failed open border policies. 30,000 illegal immigrants illegally from Haiti crossed the border and camped in third world-like conditions in Del Rio.
Thousands of these Haitians have now been released into the United States. Where they go is anyone’s guess. Most have not been vaccinated to protect against COVID-19 even as Joe Biden mandates the vaccine for Americans. Sadly, Mr. Biden has turned the southern border crisis into a SUPER-SPREADER EVENT!
The Biden administration doesn’t want anyone to see what is taking place in Texas. In an effort to block the media from being able to report on the crisis, Mr. Biden directed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to halt the media’s use of drone flights over portions of the southern border.
To further distract from this crisis, Mr. Biden continues to push a false narrative claiming Customs Horse Patrol Units whipped ILLEGAL Haitians. They did nothing wrong. Mr. Biden is beyond embarrassing. Biden and democrats are fomenting hatred and race division and it is despicable.
In response, I joined my colleagues on the House Oversight and Reform Committee and sent a letterrequesting information on this media censorship.
Meanwhile, Biden has yet to visit the border…
Gosar Rejects Bloated Budget Debacle
Guess what America? We are broke. Very broke. Our actual debt is over $123 trillion! As I noted above, it is nearly impossible to explain the value of just one trillion dollars, much less $123 trillion. I have spent my time in Congress trying to reduce spending and stopping this non-sense. The democrats don’t care and continue to spend and spend. And of course, they want to tax us more some they can spend more. Right now, even if we paid 100% in taxes, we cannot afford this government.
This week, the democrats in the House of Representatives voted to fund the federal government and extend the debt limit until November 2022. I voted against this reckless spending bill which included the debt limit extension. Our national debt and inflation are at historic highs, yet the Biden administration and liberals in congress think spending more money we don’t have will solve our nation’s fiscal problems. We cannot spend our way into prosperity.
We needed to stop this insane spending spree years ago. It still goes on. All of us will pay the price in the future. Unfortunately our children and grand-children will be most impacted. This is immoral to harm future generations, but that is the Democrat plan.
Source on the above graph, click here.
Gosar Honors Gold Star Mothers
September 26th was Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day. A day set aside each year to recognize a mother’s unspeakable grief from the loss of her child defending our country.
I had the humbling honor to attend the Gold Star Mother’s Day Ceremony in Lake Havasu this weekend.
Take a moment today to thank a Gold Star Mother. We are grateful for your child’s honor, courage and selflessness to protect and preserve our freedoms.
We can NEVER forget the sacrifice made by your children.
I do worry that today our military is being weaponized and politicized by forces in our government that chose to promote personal ideology in the military above strategy and winning.
And that is simply wrong, dangerous and diminishing to the lives that have been lost to preserve the liberties that too many often take for granted.
Unless you’re a Gold Star Mom. They take nothing for granted. Each day they re-live the painful absence of their son or daughter.
Our leaders have a responsibility to support Gold Star Mothers not just with words one day a year but with actions each and every day.
Gold Star Mothers represents all that is good in our country!
On this most solemn day, we lift you up in our hearts and we pray that the God comforts you and your family and that His favor will be upon you.
Did You Know?
Did you know that September 23 was “National Dog in Politics Day?”
I am definitely a dog kind of guy. No offense to the cat lovers. Who let the dogs out? Me. I did.
Tweet of the Week
See Tweet here.
Picture of the Week
Returning back to D.C. after August Recess.
Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know
Fox News, Nearly 100 Lawmakers Ask Biden Admin for Details on UPitt’s Federally Funded Fetal Tissue Research
Project Veritas, Congressman Paul Gosar Drafts Letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Following Project Veritas Investigation
Daily Veracity, Female U.S. Soldier Raped by New Afghan “Refugees”
Daily Veracity, Biden Dropping of Illegal Alien Haitians At Random Towns
Fox News, Tucker Carlson Exposes George Soros Evil Racist Plans
American Greatness, Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
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