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Leaked DARPA document confirms attack on humanity using skin-penetrating nanoparticles

Prepare for a flood of intel in today’s Situation Update podcast below. Beyond the world bombshell DARPA document leaked to DRASTIC, which shows that EcoHealth Alliance and Fauci conspired to release aerosolized, skin-penetrating spike protein nanoparticles into wild bat populations in China (which would immediately leap to humans as planned), we also have bombshell intel about something else that makes it even worse.

It’s far worse than you probably imagined. The “Super MERS” attack is now imminent, and the bioweapons deployment operators are already pre-positioned across US cities, likely armed with drones and aerosolizing drone attachments. We are about to be sprayed with a super dangerous biological weapon.

Get the full intel, documents and podcast here.New Videos from Brighteon.comSituation Update, Sep 23, 2021 – Red alert: Aerosolized skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike protein attack vector confirmed

Watch this videoDel Bigtree of The Highwire interviewed by Mike Adams about vaccines and the plandemic

Watch this videoShe has her child with her… You cops are disgusting human beings.

Watch this videoFeatured ArticlesFauci’s agency caught funding another study involving controversial organization reportedly involved in Chinese covid-19 research

By JD Heyes | Read the full storyImmunization expert warns that vaccinated people are the real threat, “dangerous” to others 

By Ethan Huff | Read the full storySponsor:Clean Chlorella supports your body’s natural ability to detox.Exposed: Wuhan scientists planned to use “skin-penetrating nanoparticles” to unleash “chimeric covid spike proteins” into bats in China

By Ethan Huff | Read the full storyDrs. Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci must be arrested, as new intel emerges documenting planned coronavirus enhancement and deployment

By Lance D Johnson | Read the full storySponsor:Incorporate lab-verified MCT Oil into your daily routine to support healthy digestive, cardiovascular and cognitive functions.Lara Logan says she’s been told migrant crisis at border perfect cover for someone to sneak in a bioweapon

By JD Heyes | Read the full storySponsor:Is the answer to better blood flow hiding in your kitchen?It’s easy to boost if you know how.Get the list of foods here.Here’s how MCT oil can greatly benefit your overall health

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