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This Week With Gosar

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: July 25,

This Week With Gosar

WASHINGTON D.C. – Here are our top stories…

It’s Time to Pause Migration to America

Currently, the United States is experiencing an historic surge of illegal aliens entering the United States through our southern border. The Biden administration has opened the gates and is waving hundreds of thousands of criminals into our country each month. As a result, we are on pace for nearly two million criminals being let in this year alone. This is on top of the estimated 30 million illegal aliens already here. 

That’s why this week, I introduced legislation to prohibit the admission of aliens to the United States for 10 years. The fact is, we can’t have legal immigration when we have rampant illegal alien invaders. This is a threat to our national security and our economy and to our citizens. 

With the destruction of President Trump’s successful border policies and refusal to enforce existing immigration laws, Mr. Biden has unleashed the most severe border and humanitarian crisis in United States history. No other nation, except England and Germany, has willingly participated in its own economic and cultural destruction. No American voted for this desecration.  The laws have not been changed.  This is lawless criminality.  

By pausing the admission of aliens to America it will give the United States an opportunity to figure out how to end illegal immigration and put Americans first in line for jobs, education, and other opportunities. To learn more about this important legislation, click here to read the bill text. 

Gosar Takes Action to Put American Workers First

This week, I introduced the Fairness for High-Skilled Americans Act, legislation that would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the Optional Practice Training (OPT) Program.

OPT is a guest worker program administered by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that was never authorized by Congress and was greatly expanded by the Obama Administration. OPT circumvents the H-1B cap by allowing over 100,000 aliens admitted as foreign students to work for up to three years in the United States after graduation. These foreign workers are exempt from payroll taxes making them at least 10-15 percent cheaper than a comparable American worker.

What country creates a program, but not a law, that rewards its businesses to fire citizen workers and replace them with foreign labor to pay the foreign labor less? The United States, that’s who! OPT reflects a complete abandonment of our own workers.  

At a time when American college graduates are struggling to find a job and many are saddled with student loans, our government should not be incentivizing foreign employees over Americans. This badly flawed government program should be eliminated.

Click here to read a copy of my press release and to learn more about this unconstitutional program.

Gosar Calls Out the Lies of the Democrats’ Green Energy Agenda 

In the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Democrats held another sham hearing this week on the role of environmental justice in Mr. Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Instead of prioritizing the needs of the American people, the Democrats used this hearing to focus on their list of progressive pipedreams, including billions of dollars in new spending on climate change. 

I’ve repeatedly asked Chairwoman Maloney to hold hearings on the failed Biden administration policies that have led to the border crisis. The Democrats refused and wasted more time on a hearing to discuss a bogus jobs plan that will harm the economy and not lead to job creation. Mr. Biden’s out of control spending is causing inflation to skyrocket, from gasoline to milk to lumber, everything costs more.  And Democrats have plans to continue to spend more and more.  

Biden’s policy proposals also undermine our energy independence and deepens our reliance on foreign sources of energy. Click here to listen to my opening statement at this misdirected hearing.

Gosar Condemns Senate Democrats Efforts to Advance Biden Eco-Terrorism Nominee

This week, Senate Democrats on the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources voted to allow the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to move to the full Senate for a confirmation vote. 

The actions by Democrat Senators to allow a known eco-terrorist to be nominated to lead BLM to move forward to the Senate floor is unconscionable. Tracy Stone-Manning worked alongside other extreme eco-terrorists who were hammering steel spikes into trees on public logging lands. This appalling and dangerous tactic, known as tree spiking, was done intentionally to damage chain saws, disable sawmill blades, and to kill or maim lumberjacks.   

Ms. Stone-Manning is unfit to direct the agency whose very mission is to sustain the health of public lands for the enjoyment of present and future generations. She is so extreme even former President Obama’s BLM director opposes her nomination. 

I respectfully ask Senator Sinema and Senator Kelly to reject this nomination when it comes up for a final vote in the Senate.

Other Highlights From This Week

Fire season has been especially tough on the West this year with 79 active large fires. This week, I cosponsored the Resilient Federal Forests Act and the Wildfire Prevention and Drought Mitigation Act. These important pieces of legislation will eliminate costly hurdles to forest management, injects science and technology to manage our overgrown, fire-prone forests and help streamline permitting for projects aimed at water retention and active forest management in areas considered to be in severe, extreme, or exceptional drought conditions, including eleven Western states. 

Recent reports indicate that the Biden administration is colluding with Big Tech to censor medical information and opinions on social media. The First Amendment protects all Americans’ right to free speech—speech free from government intervention, free from government intrusion, and most importantly, free from government censorship. Unfortunately, in an apparent effort to stifle scientific and medical debate, the Biden Administration is taking affirmative steps to moderate and censor Americans’ speech. This is unconscionable.  In response, I joined my Republican colleagues on the House Oversight and Reform Committee in sending a letter to the Surgeon General demanding he provide all communications and documents relating to the Biden administration’s efforts to censure the American people.

Not surprising, Senate Democrats are working to include amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation framework. Enacting amnesty for millions of criminals is patently wrong.  This week, I sent a letter to Mr. Biden urging him to reject calls to include amnesty in the budget package.  

I also wrote to the Department of Homeland Security demanding information about the use of domestic flights to transport illegal immigrants into America. American taxpayers should not be facilitating travel of illegal aliens into the interior of our country.  

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know

Fox News, House Republicans Push Impeachment Resolution Against David Chipman as Decision Looms for Moderate Senate Dems

UPI, GOP Doctors Caucus Holds Delta Variant Press Conference

Reclaim the Net, Ranking Republicans Form “Freedom from Big Tech Caucus”

The FederalistBiden’s Border Crisis is About to Make History


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