For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: July 12,
Gosar Introduces the Securing America’s Elections Act of 2021
PRESCOTT, AZ – Representative Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing the Securing America’s Elections Act of 2021, legislation that would require the use of voter-verified paper ballots or a paper ballot backup in federal elections that if needed, can be counted by hand, an optical scanner, or a similar device. The bill would also establish voter-verified paper ballots as the correct record of the total votes cast, in the event of any inconsistencies or irregularities between electronic and paper vote tallies. Furthermore, the bill includes language addressing open-source technology to further strengthen our elections infrastructure.
“There is nationwide distrust in our entire voting system, and for good reason. America’s confidence in our elections is eroding with each and every election, in no small part because of the radical actions taken by liberal Democrats and their allies in the Fake News Media and Big Tech to undermine election integrity.
My legislation would address the vulnerabilities within our nation’s elections infrastructure that leave voters susceptible to potential hacking and manipulation of votes.
At a time when faith in electoral integrity is at an historic low, my common-sense legislation protects votes and restores faith and confidence in our democracy,” concluded Congressman Gosar.
To read more about H.R. 4384, click HERE.