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The Mayo Clinic Diet newsletter

“Make time to do something you enjoy every day. Think about what makes you feel recharged — maybe it’s time spent in nature, quiet meditation or an exercise such as yoga.” — Kristin S. Vickers, Ph.D., L.P.
Overcome Obstacles
Quiz: Are you an emotional eater?
Do you turn to food for comfort when you are lonely, sad, stressed or bored? Chances are you have experienced emotional eating at one time or another — even when you are happy and feel like celebrating. The first step to overcoming this common challenge is to take a closer look at your habits. Answer the questions in this quiz to help assess your emotional eating tendencies, and we’ll help you work through them.
Take the quiz now »
Move Your Body
5 reasons to focus on your core
Sure, flat abs look great during bathing suit season, but your main incentive to do regular core exercises should be more than skin deep! A strong core — the muscles around your trunk and pelvis — helps prevent injuries and allows you to enjoy physical activity and perform everyday tasks with ease.

Learn these healthy-body benefits »

Today’s Healthy-Eating Tip
Stay satiated with healthy snacks
Healthy snacks can satisfy hunger and keep you from overeating at meals. Try these 100-calorie ideas: 1 cup of sliced bananas and fresh raspberries; 2 cups of carrots; 3 1/2 cups of air-popped popcorn; 5 rye, pumpernickel or Melba toast crackers; 2 tablespoons of peanuts; or 2 domino-sized slices of low-fat colby or cheddar cheese.
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