Site icon Peter A. Hovis


Dear friends,

Your support has been pouring in the last few weeks and we are overwhelmed by your generosity! So I just wanted to say… THANK YOU!

If it weren’t for your compassionate heart and love for all animals (big and small), there’s no way the thousands of hurting and homeless animals that come to AWLA every year could receive the love and care they deserve.

From the bottom of my heart, and from all the animals and staff here at AWLA — Thank You.

Meghan, Development Associate

P.S. — There’s just one day left until our June 30th deadline to have your gift matched thanks to a friend who loves animals just as much as you, which will make your gift go twice as far for animals in need.

P.P.S. — If you have already donated and had your gift matched, Thank You!Your generous support is already going a long way to ensure every animal gets all the time, love, and care they deserve.

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Animal Welfare League of Arlington, 2650 South Arlington Mill Dr, Arlington, VA 22206, United States
(703) 931 – 9241  |

Tax ID 54-0603502   |   CFC #90065   |   United Way #8804

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