Email your senatorsOne year and no action
Support Transformative Police Accountability Legislation
Email your senatorsPeter,
What’s the hold up? George Floyd was murdered more than a year ago, and over 1,000 people have since been killed by police in America.
While our government stalls to take action, this remains clear, police cannot and should not solve every problem in our communities.
Our country needs to drastically reimagine its approach to public safety because we cannot police our way to safety. We need to make this a country where every child, Black, White, or Brown, gets to grow up and every parent gets to be there for them along the way.
Please email your senators now to tell them transformative police accountability legislation can’t wait another day.
Tell our government to set a standard for justice, accountability, and safety in America. This means: • ending the judicial-made doctrine of qualified immunity; • strengthening 18 U.S.C. Sec. 242 mens rea requirement; • developing a national, public police misconduct database; • ending the militarization of law enforcement agencies; • limiting use of force by law enforcement; • banning racial profiling and requiring robust data collection to ensure accountability;Email your senatorsThe same white supremacy that permeates our justice system and sanctions police violence has also robbed many Black communities of the resources they need and deserve. We spend billions to maintain criminalization and mass incarceration, while neglecting social supports and services that communities need.
While justice was served with the conviction of Derek Chauvin, one important outcome does not change the fact that too many Black and Brown lives have been and continue to be senselessly lost at the hands of those charged to ‘protect and serve’ us all. George Floyd, and the countless others who have been slain at the hands of the police, should still be here.
It’s past time to take this meaningful step to reimagine what kind of America we want to build — an America where all people can live safely and freely. Please email your senators and support transformative accountability legislation today.
—The Leadership Conference
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