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This Week With Gosar

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: June 27,

This Week With Gosar

WASHINGTON D.C. – Here’s our top stories…

After Nearly 100 Days, Kamala Completes Her “Grand Gesture” Visit to the Border

After Nearly 100 Days, Kamala Completes Her “Grand Gesture” Visit to the Border

This week I joined hundreds of patriots and attended a rally in Arizona to highlight the crisis along the southern border. Americans are fed up with the mess at southern border. Everywhere I go, the immigration crisis is near the top when it comes to issues that my constituents care most about. 

As many of you know, portions of my district run along the southern border with Mexico, including Yuma, Arizona. I have personally been to the southern border multiple times this year alone. What is happening at the border is outrageous.

The month of May saw a record number of border apprehensions: 180,000, beating the record set in April. Drugs are pouring in through Mexico. There has been a 235% increase in fentanyl smuggling. In fact, more fentanyl has been seized by the Border Patrol so far in 2021 than in all of 2020.

In contrast, this week Border Czarina Kamala Harris finally LAUGHED HER WAY to the southern border. Here’s my question: What took so long? Why has it taken nearly 100 days?  That is both embarrassing and unconscionable!

Let’s be honest: we all know Kamala only went to the border because President Trump had previously announced he is going there next week with Texas Governor Abbott. There is no other way to explain this, the Biden Administration caved under pressure from President Trump. Once again, President Trump is leading while Mr. Biden is following.

It took pressure from Donald Trump, nearly 100 days, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing in, and tens of thousands of pounds of deadly fentanyl to be seized to get Kamala Harris to the southern border.

This is a disgrace and should make every American furious. Kamala’s trip to the border was a photo-opportunity to save face. Which is ironic, when you really think about it, because Mr. Biden previously banned all photographs of the crisis his administration created so the world could not see the overflowing cages or the deplorable conditions.  

Kamala’s trip lasted less than two hours and she never actually visited the border. She visited a border patrol facility in El Paso, which happens to be miles away from the physical border. 

The trip was so bad that even Democrat Congressman Henry Cueller of Texas noted that Kamala’s visit was nothing more than a “politically safe trip” and she “would not get a true picture of what is really happening along the southern border.”

I will be very honest with you; I have no confidence in Kamala Harris to solve this problem even after her visit to the border that really was not a visit to the border. She has failed her most important task.  She has failed the American people.

Gosar and House Republicans Fight Unconstitutional Gun Infringement

Gosar and House Republicans Fight Unconstitutional Gun Infringement

The Second Amendment guarantees that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Unfortunately, many liberal states are attacking this fundamental right by requiring concealed carry applicants to justify their need for the permit, empowering authorities to reject applications from law-abiding Americans for arbitrary reasons or for no reason at all. 

The Supreme Court is currently considering a case, NYSRFA v. Corlett, to determine if New York’s concealed carry restrictions violate the Second Amendment. I joined the National Rifle Association and several members of Congress in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court arguing that the Second Amendment applies to everyone, and that New York State’s law is an unconstitutional attempt to limit the right to bear arms.

Gosar Pens Editorial Regarding Voting to End Forever Wars

Gosar Pens Editorial Regarding Voting to End Forever Wars

Last week, I shared that I voted in favor of a bill that repealed the authorization to use military force (AUMF) in Iraq that was initially passed by Congress in 2002, predicated on misrepresentations by the State Department about weapons of mass destruction. This bipartisan bill passed 268-161 and is supported by Mr. Biden.

It will come as no shock to most people reading this newsletter that I seldom agree with Mr. Biden on important policy decisions. Not often. Hardly ever. Therefore, following my vote, I drafted an editorial that further explains my reasoning why I voted to end forever wars.  Please click here to take a moment to read this editorial.

Gosar Supports Resolution Affirming States’ Rights to Protect Citizens

Gosar Supports Resolution Affirming States’ Rights to Protect Citizens

This week, I joined several of my colleagues in cosponsoring a resolution that affirms state’s rights to protect their citizens from the cartel-facilitated invasion along the southern border. 

The Constitution is clear: when the federal government, in this case Joe Biden, fails to protect the states against invasion, Article 1 Section 10 guarantees states the right to repel an invasion.

Today, we are being invaded by the drug cartels that have complete operational control of the southern border and are allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to pour into our country. All because Joe Biden has purposefully failed to protect or secure our southern border.

If Mr. Biden refuses to respond to this crisis you can be assured that southern border states will use their constitutional power to fight back against the cartels and protect our citizens. 

This resolution is a much-needed step in regaining control of our southern border via the exercise of the sovereign power of the states.  

Click here to read a copy of the resolution. 

Gosar Questions Secretary Haaland Over Interior Department Budget 


Gosar Questions Secretary Haaland Over Interior Department Budget 

This week, the House Committee on Natural Resources heard from U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland at a hearing about Mr. Biden’s job-killing budget proposal.

With the ongoing drought conditions persisting in Arizona, I used this hearing as an opportunity to question Secretary Haaland about the redesignation of Colorado River water, an important coal project which was closed by the Obama Administration intended to be used for the Navajo Generating Station. 

I was able to get the Secretary to agree to work to retain northern Arizona’s control of the water rather than relinquishing control to environmental groups who want to take it. I also got the Secretary to commit to working with me to streamline Navajo drilling permits to ensure we retain our domestic helium production so we don’t become even more dependent on foreign adversaries for our sources of helium. 

Gosar Objects to Biden’s Eco-terrorist Nominee

Gosar Objects to Biden’s Eco-terrorist Nominee

This week, I joined several of my colleagues writing to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee opposing the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning to be Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over allegations that she participated in the harmful practice of tree spiking in Clearwater National Forest, a form of eco-terrorism. Ms. Stone-Manning is unfit to direct the agency whose very mission is to sustain the health of public lands for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Opposition to her confirmation is bipartisan, with a former Obama BLM director speaking out against her nomination. 

Click here to read a copy of the letter I sent to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. 

Other Highlights From This Week

The Central American Minor (CAM) program is an unlawful chain migration program established under the Obama Administration that allows immigrant parents from Central America to petition the State Department to allow their families to settle in the United States. The program was rightfully terminated by President Trump.  Unfortunately, Mr. Biden recently announced his intention to not only reinstate the CAM program but expand it to allow illegal aliens residing in the United States to petition the State Department for their relatives to come to the U.S.  In response, this week I cosponsored a bill to block taxpayer funding for CAM. 

Gosar In the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know  

Washington Times, It’s Time for U.S. to End Forever Wars 

Real Clear Politics, Rep. Paul Gosar: VP Harris Has ‘Been an Absolute Bomb Wreck’ on the Border

Kingman Daily Miner, Miner Editorial: Mohave Downwinders Owed Government Assistance, and an Apology

Washington Times, Biden Official Faces GOP Scrutiny over Bloomberg-Paid State Climate Lawyers

Washington Examiner, House GOP Demands Democrats End Pandemic Zoom Hearings


I work for YOU!

I want to serve my constituents in any way I can. Whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy, my office is always here to help. 

Additionally, the phone numbers for all of my offices are listed at the bottom of this email.

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