Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Lime Rock Park

Hitting The Track Demands Your Full Attention
Off the Track
There’s the short time your car’s on the track when you’re in complete control… and then there’s all the time when it’s in storage, in transit, in the paddock or somewhere else. With Hagerty, you can protect your raced vehicles where they spend most of their time and see the most risk: off of the track.
Hagerty is an enthusiastic partner of Lime Rock, and we’re more than confident in recommending their motorsports coverage to protect all kinds of raced vehicles. That includes race cars, dragsters, funny cars, pro street, raced motorcycles and more. Bonus: they automatically include $750 in spare parts coverage.
On the Track
Get coverage where standard carriers won’t with HPDE/Track Day protection. Hagerty offers essential coverage for your car for physical damage, both on the track and in the paddock, when you participate in HPDE and time trial events. Quoting takes 30 seconds or less.
Lime Rock Park | 860.435.5000 |
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