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Pet Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
TONIGHT, June 17 @ 6 PM

Tonight is the night! Join AWLA and Dr. Emari Yokota (founder of Well Whiskers Veterinary Holistic Care) as we chat about holistic veterinary care, focusing on acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for pets. The session will cover exactly what holistic medicine means, what goes into acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and the benefits it can bring to pets when added to their care regimen.

All of this, plus time for questions when you join us live via Zoom!
This session is free, but you must register to receive the link to join.
We welcome you to make a donation if you are able so we can continue hosting events like these to support the community!

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Animal Welfare League of Arlington, 2650 South Arlington Mill Dr, Arlington, VA 22206, United States
(703) 931 – 9241  |

Tax ID 54-0603502   |   CFC #90065   |   United Way #8804


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