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Hearing Associates of Northern Virginia, LLC.

Covid-19 Procedure Update
Dear Friends and Valued Patients,

We are thrilled to see some of the restrictions imposed by the governor and the CDC ease a bit, now that so many of us have been able to receive vaccinations against Covid-19.  Here are some things that are staying the same in our office, as well as some changes to the way we do things:

Mask Use:  The CDC recommends, and Governor Northam has mandated, that while mask use for vaccinated individuals in public places is now optional, it is still required in health care settings, like ours.  Please continue to bring and use your mask while in our offices until further notice, regardless of your vaccination status.

Curbside Visits:  We will continue to offer curbside visits as long as people are enjoying them.  Stopping by our office to pick up supplies?  Simply park in the loading dock area and call our office.  We will happily run them out to you, so you don’t even have to leave your car on a 98 degree day.  Same thing goes for hearing aid cleanings and repairs.  If you need a hearing test, we’ll see you inside!

Stringent cleaning protocols:  We’re continuing our stringent infection control procedures of sterilizing all surfaces in between patients, to guarantee the cleanest possible environment for the safety of our patients.

Forms and Paperwork online:  We are still trying to eliminate extra time in the waiting area by sending new patient forms and updated annual paperwork via email.  Please check to make sure we have your correct email address on file, and make sure our emails are landing in your inbox and not your spam folder!

And now, some changes:

Waiting area:  While we still want our patients to maintain physical distance whenever possible, we will no longer ask you to call us prior to entering the office.  For your comfort, if you prefer an empty space when you enter, you may still call us to verify your provider is ready to see you immediately.

Screening questions:  Our screening questions will change prior to your visit in our office.  We will continue temperature checks, but if you have received your vaccine, you will have an abbreviated list of screening questions.  As before, if you are feeling unwell, kindly reschedule your appointment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for helping us keep our patients and staff happy and healthy.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

Hearing Associates of Northern Virginia

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