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Gosar Introduces MERIT Act to End Affirmative Action in Federal Hiring

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: May 25,

Gosar Introduces MERIT Act to End Affirmative Action in Federal Hiring

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing the Making Excellence Replace Identity Traits (MERIT) Act, legislation that would prohibit government sanctioned racial bigotry.

“Hiring decisions in the federal government should be based on the merit of the job applicant rather than quotas based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or ethnicity. The people deserve competency and merit, not racial or other bigotry, when the government hires someone. It is long past time to end government sanctioned racial discrimination,” said Rep. Paul Gosar. 

The MERIT Act ensures that no federal funds are provided to any entity that has established a hiring program that uses affirmative action employment preferences. Eradicating the scourge of racial hatred is a priority for the country. The fact that the federal courts allowed such racially discriminatory policies in the first place is a problem only Congress can fix. Under the Constitution, all citizens must be treated equally. Merit and competence are the only two employment factors that should be considered.  

Affirmative action policies result in low competence employees and lead to discriminatory policies based on racial bigotry and animus, often disguised as remedial actions for ancient discrimination. Such racist laws compel employers to overlook the best qualified individual. The MERIT Act promotes equal opportunity for all applicants.

To read a copy of the bill text, click HERE.


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