Peter A. Hovis

Progress Arizona for 24 May


 Momentum on filibuster. Hundreds of Arizonansgathered across the state last Thursday to call on Senators Sinema and Kelly to eliminate the filibuster and get to work. On Saturday, the Arizona Democratic Party passed resolutions to include support for passing the For the People Act, passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, and elimination of the filibuster as part of the party’s platform. Support for ending the filibuster continues to grow, especially amid Republican opposition to a January 6thCommission. 

GOP v. GOP. Maricopa County Republicans condemned the Arizona legislators supporting the “fraudit” being run by the Cyber Ninjas. County supervisors are preparing for a possible defamation lawsuitafter the auditors, selected by AZ Senate Republicans, made false allegations that election data was deleted by the County. The County says no files were deleted, and the auditors are simply “inept” at conducting the audit. Gov. Ducey continues to stay silent about the audit as Donald Trump pressuresother state officials about the audit in perpetuating the “Big Lie”. Secretary of State Katie Hobbes is threatening to decertify elections equipment that were handed over for the audit, citing security concerns when election officials lose custody over voting equipment. 

Tax cuts for the wealthy. The Arizona GOP’s budget plan would include a massive income tax cut that would hit state revenue, benefitting the wealthy. Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kathy Hoffman, has criticized the plan, which would effectively cancel out the voter-approved tax on the highest earners to fund schools, saying the plan is “at the expense of working families”. Even former Republican governor Jan Brewer advises that the flat tax proposal is short-sighted, cuts too far in the state’s budget, and is merely an attempt to pad resumes as lawmakers consider the 2022 and 2024 elections.

Scenes from End the Filibuster Rallies. Progress Arizona is now on TikTok! Check out some clips from the statewide End the Filibuster Rallies across the state!

Text SENATE to 79606. Stay involved! The filibuster fight is not yet over, sign up for text alerts to take action when we need you. 

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