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The Mayo Clinic Diet

MAY 21, 2021“The present moment is all you can control, not what happened in the past. Although you can’t turn back the clock on setbacks and disappointments, your past does not have to define you.” — Edward T. Creagan, M.D.Weight LossWeight loss: How to stay motivatedSometimes the temptation to indulge in certain foods or skip a workout — especially during holiday weekends — will be greater than your desire to lose weight. During these difficult moments, reflect on your top reasons for making healthy lifestyle changes. By understanding what motivates you, you’ll be better able to follow through with your eating and fitness plan, despite challenges that come your way. Try this writing exercise to help you figure out what gives you the ongoing, burning drive to succeed.Stay on track with this advice »Mind and Body 
Unplug and recharge this weekend
It’s tempting to zone out on the couch — whether it’s in front of the TV, your smartphone or a tablet — at the end of a long week, but staying glued to your devices can negatively impact your health. Be a good role model for your family and find new ways to relax and keep everyone more active over the weekend with these tips. 

Try these suggestions »Today’s Food Tip
Drink your fruits and vegetables
Instead of reaching for a fruit juice (that may contain sneaky, sugary ingredients), turn whole fruits and vegetables into a nutritious, refreshing drink. Make a smoothie with plain, low-fat yogurt and your favorite frozen fruit. Or blend up a banana, berries, a lemon, mint, ice and 2 cups of fresh raw baby spinach. This green concoction may look unappealing at first, but it tastes delicious!

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