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This Week With Gosar

PRESCOTT, AZ – Here’s our top stories…

Gosar Supports Legislation to Expand Second Amendment Rights

The Second Amendment Mandates Equality Act of 2021:

At what point is a person an adult under our laws?  An 18 year old can work full time, vote, get married, buy a house, buy a car, carry an M-16 in battle but not buy a gun for self defense.  This is a ridiculous infringement on a citizens constitutional right to self defense. 

That is why I cosponsored H.R. 2890, the Second Amendment Mandates Equality Act of 2021.  This important Second Amendment legislation would repeal a law that currently prevents adults under the age of 21 from buying a handgun. Ironically, an 18-year-old adult can join the military and use a weapon to defend our country but, under the current law, cannot purchase a handgun.  

The right to keep and bear firearms should not be arbitrarily restricted to citizens between 18 and 20 years of age.  If we trust these same adults to defend our country, we ought to trust them to purchase a handgun. 

Click here to read a summary and copy of H.R. 2890.

Gosar and Staff Clean Up Border

As Illegal Aliens Continue to Surge Across the Southern Border, Gosar and Staff Help Clean Up Garbage Left by Illegal Aliens:

This week, my staff and I joined a couple dozen volunteers and spent several hours literally cleaning up the garbage left littered on the ground from the countless illegal aliens that cross our southern border. We filled hundreds of garbage bags.  It’s a dirty job and the environmental mess these illegal aliens leave is staggering.  

172,000 illegal aliens are projected to once again cross the southern border in April, a twenty-year record. Yet, Mr. Biden recently falsely claimed the situation is under control. Mr. Biden, here’s a pro-tip: it’s not under control. The crisis you created worsens by the day.

The Biden Administration continues to deny the reality of the crisis. It’s now been five weeks since Mr. Biden named Kamala Harris as the Border Czar, yet neither she nor Mr. Biden have visited the border to see first-hand the crisis they created.

Ever wonder how many days have passed since Mr. Biden has not visited the southern border?  Well, no need to guess anymore! I added a helpful Biden-created border crisis countdown clock to my official website highlighting Mr. Biden’s absenteeism at the southern border.  To learn more, click hereto read my press release and click here to view the Biden-created border crisis countdown clock.

Oversight Committee Update


Gosar Leads First Oversight and Investigations Hearing of 117th Congress: 

This week, I was proud to lead the first House Natural Resources Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing as its Ranking Member. The hearing focused on access to public lands and national parks for Americans with disabilities. Regretfully, restrictive laws and regulations burden true access with only visitor centers having disability access while little to no disability assistance to access America’s treasured public lands and parks beyond these centers. 

People with disabilities should have access to the same outdoor recreation opportunities as the general public. Sadly, Democrats continue to attempt to roll back Trump Administration rules that would provide expanded access to national parks. For example, electric bikes (e-bikes) provide disabled people with greater access to national park road and trails.  The bicycle does not require peddling, making travel in parks an option for people who might not otherwise be able to. Unfortunately, this Trump Administration rule is being targeted by Democrats who oppose the use of e-bikes in national parks.   

We must advance modern technologies, including electric mobility, to expand opportunities and allow access to our federal lands for all Americans.

Click above to view my opening statement at this important hearing. 

Gosar Fights Democrat Assault on Arizona Mining Jobs

Democrats’ Job-Killing Bills:

This week, Democrats in the House Natural Resources Committee also pushed a number of job-killing bills that would undermine America’s energy independence and security including a bill that would kill the Resolution Copper mine project in the Tonto National Forest just outside of Superior, Arizona. This important project, that I shepherded through Congress and cleared by President Trump, would create nearly 4000 well-paying jobs and add more than $60 billion in economic value in Arizona.

The project underwent lengthy and comprehensive environmental studies spanning the two previous administrations, yet House Democrats once again ignore sound science, wipe out thousands of more jobs and discount the significance this copper mine is to clean energy, our electrical grid, solar panels, wind turbines and hundreds of other needs.   

There is nothing sacred about this property. This is mining land first and foremost. The tribal historian confirmed that in 2011. Additionally, the Forest Service conducted hundreds of consultations with Native American tribes and the town of Superior about how best to proceed.

I stood to oppose the Democrats’ attempts to harm our local economy and make us more reliant on foreign nations for minerals needed in our daily lives. 

Gosar Calls Out Biden for Selling Out American Mining Jobs 

America Last:

This week, I joined several of my Republican colleagues and sent a letter to Mr. Biden calling on his Administration to support American mining jobs, rather than selling out those jobs to Canada. 

It is unacceptable that this Administration is bartering the jobs of American miners, steelworkers, and laborers to Canada to make up for a decision it made killing thousands of American pipefitting and welding jobs. American miners and American mineral security should not be used as a trading tool to make up for Mr. Biden’s disastrous foreign policy decisions. The Biden Administration, beholden to radical environmentalists, is shutting down domestic mining while holding secret meetings with Canadian mining companies about opening new mines in Canada.  

Meanwhile, House Natural Resource Committee Democrats are attempting to undo a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to develop one of the largest copper and tellurium mines in the United States. Our nation has been blessed with tremendous resources, the strongest environmental protections and the best workforce. The Biden Administration and House Democrats should support these good jobs, not pass along those benefits to foreign nations.

Click here to read my press release as well as a copy of the letter my colleagues and I sent to Mr. Biden. 

Other Highlights From This Week

As Mr. Biden wages an anti-gun crusade targeting lawful gun owners, new allegations have surfaced that Hunter Biden falsified information during a background check to obtain a firearm. If true, this is illegal and punishable by up to 10 years in prison!  Allegations of this crime are no less serious when levelled against Hunter Biden. I signed a letter with 24 other Republicanscalling on the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to investigate these allegations of criminal misconduct.

I received a 92% conservative rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU).  The ACU is a conservative organization that focuses on holding members of Congress accountable for their voting record. As a staunch ally of President Trump and a strong conservative, this rating by the ACU reflects wholeheartedly the conservative principles by which I was elected. Since being elected to Congress, I have maintained at 93.23% lifetime rating by the ACU. I hope people will look closely at this score to see for themselves my voting record on many important issues. 

Gosar In the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know   

Daily Wire24 Republican Reps. Call on ATF To Investigate Hunter Biden for Gun-Related Felony

Havasu NewsMohave County Could Support Congressional ‘Downwinder’ Beneficiary Plan

Tech CrunchAt Social Media Hearing, Lawmakers Circle Algorithm-Focused Section 230 Reform

KYMATackling the Border Crisis at its Root 

ARRLBill Introduced to Designate April 18, 2022, as National Amateur Radio Operators Day


ALERT: Tax Season is upon us once again. If you did not receive a stimulus payment in January 2021 and you should have, or did not receive the correct amount, you may be eligible to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return. Click HERE for more information.


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