May is Better Hearing Month
Dear friends,
With a full year of the pandemic behind us, many of us are looking forward to getting together with family and loved ones. But for many others, this time brings a sense of loneliness and isolation. Studies have linked untreated hearing loss to loneliness, stress, depression, and even early cognitive decline.
We believe that NO ONE should be left out of life’s precious moments. As local hearing care providers, we want to be part of giving back to our community. We know that many have been hit hard by this pandemic, and we are seeking to improve the life of an individual who has not had the opportunity to see the benefits hearing aids can have on their life firsthand. We would like to offer one deserving individual a pair of premium hearing aids, with follow up services included.
If you know someone who needs our help, or even if that person is you, we need you to submit an entry to our “May is Better Hearing Month” contest. Simply write an essay of 300 words or less, describing why you or someone you know would benefit from better hearing, but has not been able to seek help due to their financial situation.
Please submit your essay with your name and contact information, as well as the name and contact information of the person you are nominating. Send your essay via email to or mail it to us. The contest will run from now until May 27, 2021. The winner will be notified May 31, 2021. For any information, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for helping us give back to our community during this May is Better Hearing Month!
Drs. Crovato, Yunes, and Trinka