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Arizona Redistricting

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Hello Fair Maps Advocates! Welcome to our April Newsletter, here’s what new this month. 

Arizona Redistricting Updates

The Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) meets at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays. Check out their new website here, where you can find the minutes from previous meetings, agendas for upcoming meetings, and the public comments portal. 

After hiring legal counsel and gearing up to hire administrative staff, the IRC is on the verge of a crucial decision. They will vote next week to decide who their mapping consultants will be. The mappers will use 2020 Census data to draft electoral maps that the Commission will put forward. 

One particular pair of firms that is being considered together is incredibly concerning. A firm called Timmons Group is slated to work with National Demographics Corporation (NDC), a consultant with an alarming track record across the country. NDC’s maps have been rejected or re-done by several courts and redistricting bodies. Here’s just a few examples:

Before the IRC makes a decision, they will allow the public to respond to issues raised through submitting public comment. This is an important opportunity for us to get public comment in the form of questions that mapping consultants must respond to. The IRC is accepting public comment until Thursday, 4/29 at 5 p.m. More info below.

Take Action

1. Submit a public comment to the IRC. Email your comment to

2. Sign our petition to demand the IRC not hire Timmons Group 

3. Submit a Letter to the Editor to get the word out to your community about NDC

       If your newspaper doesn’t appear, manually search the name

4. Submit a Letter to the Editor about Arizona Apportionment and fair maps 

Volunteer Updates

Thank you to everyone who has signed our previous petitions. We gathered over 500 signatures last month from folks in 12 counties across Arizona to demand that the IRC commit to transparency in future hires. Read our press release about submitting that petition to the IRC here

Apportionment Day has come and gone. The apportionment process is the first step of redistricting. We had expected gaining a 10th district, but after the release of data Arizona will not be getting any additional seats. Despite this, we will continue to engage on redistricting because voters deserve a map that gives them an opportunity to elect representatives that represent our growing population in every corner of the state. 

To get even more involved with the fight for fair maps join our volunteer call. The next AOTL AZ Monthly Volunteer Zoom Call is on May 11 from 5:15-6:00 p.m. 

Join us for a monthly community discussion about redistricting and how you can get involved!Sign Up Here 

Redistricting In The News

AZ Mirror: Arizona census stunner: No 10th congressional seat

Democracy Docket: The Redistricting Fight Starts Now

AZ Mirror: Redistricting commission chooses Democratic, Republican attorneys

Thank you!

Thanks for volunteering with us! If you have any questions/comments or would like to set up a time to talk and get more involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Laiba Waqas

Arizona Digital Organizer | All On The Line 

480-253-9776 |

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