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Gosar Tours Southern Border, Re-upping His Invite to Biden

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: March 23,

YUMA, ARIZONA – Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-4) issued the following statement today after touring the southern border in Yuma County, which is located in Arizona’s fourth Congressional District.

“Where is Mr. Biden? Where is anyone from his administration? Why aren’t they here? Joe Biden created this crisis along the border. He should absolutely be here to see it.  

What we are seeing here today wasn’t happening two months ago. In eight short weeks, the Biden Administration has destroyed all of President Trump’s progress in securing the southern border. The sad reality is if Biden had done absolutely nothing eight weeks ago, we would be so much better off today. Literally, all he had to do was to continue the progress of securing our southern border established under President Trump. 

Last week I sent a letter to Mr. Biden personally inviting him to Yuma. I’ve not heard back. I came to the border today to implore him to see what I am seeing. What’s happening in Yuma is unconscionable. Mr. Biden has turned a blind eye to this crisis he created. He refuses to acknowledge or perhaps doesn’t think there is a crisis.  

There are a historic number of illegal aliens crossing our border, a record number of underaged migrants in Customs and Border Patrol facilities, human trafficking is surging and gang and cartel activity is exploding, all during a pandemic. Let me be clear, the cartels are running our southern border.

Mr. Biden’s denial will not make his crisis go away. It’s time that he pays a visit to Yuma County immediately, recognize the crisis, and reverse his catastrophic policies,” said Rep. Gosar.

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