Arizona veterans — no matter where in our state they live — earned the right to access quality health care services. We’re taking a big step in the right direction for veterans in Wickenburg, Arizona and nearby communities.
The sheer size of our state makes it difficult for many Arizona veterans living in rural communities to access their earned VA benefits.
That’s why we asked the VA to expand telehealth in Arizona.
The VA’s “Project ATLAS” (Accessing Telehealth through Local Area Stations) creates better access to VA health care. This is especially critical for underserved communities. This telehealth initiative allows the VA to enhance veterans’ access to care by offering convenient locations closer to their homes, where veterans can have safe, secure, and confidential remote conversations with doctors.
Shortly after our request to the VA Secretary, our efforts were successful: Arizona was chosen for a Project ATLAS pilot site.
Located in American Legion Post #12 — Wickenburg’s ATLAS site will provide free internet access and a comfortable private space for veterans to connect with VA health providers via a secure video connection. These clinical services via video include primary care, mental health counseling, clinical pharmacy, nutrition services, social work, and more. This ATLAS pod will help ensure Arizona veterans receive the care and benefits they have earned, no matter where they live or their access to connectivity.
Our duty is to ensure the federal government keeps its promises to Arizona veterans — that after years of sacrifice keeping our nation safe and secure, they can feel assured they will get the care they earned from a nation indebted and grateful for their service.
Any Arizona veteran who needs help or assistance should contact my team at casework@sinema.senate.gov. We have a full team of caseworkers with expertise on military and veteran issues that know how to navigate the VA system and find solutions to challenges veterans face.