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This Week in Washington

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: February 28,

WASHINGTON D.C. – Here’s what’s happening…

Democrats Push Forward with Job-Killing Land Grab

Gosar Opposes Democrats Jobs Killing Land Grab:

This week, Speaker Pelosi rushed a vote on the falsely-named Grand Canyon Preservation Act, legislation that does nothing to protect the Grand Canyon, rather it is an attack on Northern Arizona mining and the hard-working people of our district. Sadly, Speaker Pelosi and her liberal allies refused to hold a single hearing for meaningful consideration or debate of this legislation. In doing so, Democrats foisted a massive land grab of more than one million acres and permanently banned mining and other multiple-use activities in our great state of Arizona. 

It is estimated that this harmful bill will destroy as many as 4,000 jobs and cost $29 billion in sacrificed economic activity. The withdrawal area also contains 4,204 acres belonging to the Arizona State Land Department for the benefit of Arizona’s school children. This will mean hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues for local communities and for our schools.

This bill would also prevent the ability to mine high-grade uranium, a critical element for carbon-free renewable energy that has irreplaceable application in defense in mining.  Today, the United States imports 97% of uranium from foreign sources, including Russia. If we pass bills like the Grand Canyon Preservation Act, we will forever close this area and soon 100% of our uranium will be supplied by foreign nations. At the same time, our ability to provide for the defense or our nation and support other necessary industries will be comprised because of this bill.

That’s why I voted no.

Read My Op Ed in Kingman Miner HERE.

Airstrikes in Syria

Gosar Condemns Airstrikes in Syria:

When he was a candidate, Biden had this to say about the use of force: “A President should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people.” Sadly, his comments did not age well. Congress has not passed an authorization for the use of military force in Syria. Worse, Congress was not briefed in advance of this air strike that killed at least 22 people. I’m eager to hear the legal rationale for why Biden acted prior to getting approval from Congress. I strongly condemn these actions. It is time for all our troops to return home from Syria and America should not further wade into that country’s long simmering civil war. 

Gosar Taking a “Bite” Out of Student Loans

The Dental Loan Repayment Assistance Act:

Coinciding with February being National Children’s Dental Health Month, this week I joined a bipartisan group of House and Senate colleagues to reintroduce the Dental Loan Repayment Assistance Act. 

As a dentist, I fully appreciate and understand that training our next generation of dentists is critical to the overall health of our country. Unfortunately, a critical factor in recruiting and retaining qualified dental school faculty from recent dental school or residency program graduates is the staggering student loan debt and income disparity with private practice. This is especially acute in pediatric dentistry. 

I’m proud to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to reintroduce this important legislation that aims to remove recruiting barriers while strengthening oral health training. Specifically, the legislation would alleviate the taxation burden by exempting for five years dental faculty members from paying those exorbitant taxes on their federal loan repayment benefits.

The full bill text can be found HERE.

District Highlight

            Pictured above BLM Field Director Leon Thomas

A local, hot topic driving discussions this week in Pinal County is the concerning matter that many of our campsites enjoyed by campers have been overtaken by homeless populations, drug users and individuals utilizing the sites without sufficient living and bathing standards or utilities.  This creates an unhealthy campground and surrounding. I have been outspoken about my concerns regarding these cherished campsites. I was happy to learn that Bureau of Land Management Field Director, Leon Thomas held a public meeting to present proposals that would address these concerns and to begin the clean-up the campgrounds. This is welcomed news for our community.

Other Highlights from This Week

This week I wrote an Op Ed for Revolver News: “A State of Chaos: Biden’s Rule by Authoritarian Decree.” I will continue to speak out and oppose America Last policies that support criminals over citizens, gangs over families and drug dealers over neighborhoods.

Also this week, my Republican colleagues and I petitioned Chairwoman Maloney to hold a hearing on the need to reopen our schools. Not only is the White House refusing to follow the science when it comes to reopening schools, but House Democrats admit that the COVID-19 legislation they pushed this week does not help get students back into the classroom since 95% of the money allocated for K-12 education won’t be spent until after 2021.

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Be Aware of

Breitbart, House, Senate GOP: Joe Biden’s HHS Nominee Wants Taxpayer-Funded Medicaid for Illegal Aliens

Fox News, Cuomo Should be Subpoenaed to Testify on COVID Nursing Home Crisis, House Oversight GOP Says

KMJNow, Paul Gosar to Newsmax TV: Border Stance Shows Biden ‘Not Sincere’ on COVID

Al Jazeera, US calls on Taliban to end violence in Afghanistan

Reuters, Analysis: Urban States Come Out Ahead, Rural States Get Less in Biden’s COVID-19 Relief Bill

The Washington Times, DHS Warns ICE to ‘Prepare for Border Surges Now


Alert: Tax season is upon us once again. If you did not receive a stimulus payment in January 2021 and you should have, or did not receive the correct amount, you may be eligible to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return. Click HERE for more information.

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