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We face real challenges in America today – 40% of Americans have a positive view of the word “socialism” and more than 60% of young Americans favor socialism! They are being lured by the false promises of socialism and the principles of our great country are constantly under attack!

President Reagan warned us, “Freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment.” – President Reagan, January 1981

America needs your help today before it’s too late! 

Our nation needs clarity—the clarity of President Reagan’s confident voice proclaiming the great principles of America: individual freedom, free enterprise, limited government, personal responsibility and the value of hard work.

Join the Reagan 2020 Initiative and become an important part of keeping America’s freedom alive – sharing President Reagan’s words and wisdom in this cutting-edge social media campaign.

When you give before September 30th you will help:

Building on the resources of the Reagan Library and Foundation – founded by President Reagan himself and taking NO government funds – the Reagan 2020 Initiative needs you!

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